the Birthday Party Part4

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We were standing in the middle of his house. I looked into his blue eyes as he slowly let go of my hand something about him felt safe and right.
So how do you feel?

His voice was in my head ?
Mind link he explained

Did he read my mind or could he tell by the confused look ok my face ?

"How did you do that?" I asked

"Think of who you want to talk to and think what you want to say" he replied

He was still waring his devilish grin witch was actually quite breathing. I pushed that thought aside and tried to mind link him.

I closed my eyes allowing my mind to go blank as I picture him. At first I pictured him with his shit off like he was now but I wanted to go up to him and run my hands all over his muscular body . What thw hell am i doing? I squeezed my eyes tighter trying to focus.

Then I saw him with a shirt and asked him
Can you hear me?

he chuckled I could hear him out side my mind I thought to my self dumb ass why couldent I have thought of something better to say.
Yes I can hear you he said in a soft voice

I opened my eyes he looked at me with soft eyes.

"Now if you need help you can call."

I couldent help but blush as he reached up and stroked my cheek . I dident know how to react . I panicked and said in a calm voice while staring at my feet knowing that I'm always an open book .

"I think I should go... kims probably worried. She had a party for me..."

The voice began talking .what the hell are you doing we should stay.

Jade had something planned that's why no one has said happy birthday. There was a wimper of diopointment and she dropped it.

I looked up at him ,He looked almost wounded. I considered  inviting him but my dad's there and would rather not go throw that.

"Alright Uhh." He ran his hands throw thick black hair.

I bet he's not often rejected....

I began to walk to the door then turned to face him when he began to speek

"Well i guess I will have to tell you about all the cool things stuff towmorow" his smerk returned

I smereked back at him.

"I will be hear"

His eyes lit up and his smerk grew to a full smile. I turned to face the door to try and  hide my smile I ran out the door with a quick Glace to say good buy and ran to jades.

I was running really fast?

I have never run this fast I'm already her at jades what was that like 5 min that was like 2km. I wasent even out of breath? Well I guess I can thank werewolf powers for that.


I whistled his head came bobbing over the hill.

He had balloons tied to his tail

I could feel the smile creep across my face , jade  went overbord.

Trident already had his riding stuff on too. So I just jumped on him and rode up the lane way.

In the house the music was blaring I put trident in his stall and untied the balloons then ran into the hoause.

Trying to prepare my suprise face I took my shoes off and walked in to the living room everyone jumped out screaming

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