Pancakes chapter 13

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Akia POV

The sun started shining throw the window half walking me up. I had the same dream again but I was awakened before I could finish it. I curled myself into Taylor blocking the light trying to fall back asleep  he was still out cold I don't think he sleep the night before  but none of us really did...Ki

Things kept running through my mind and I surrendered finally getting up quilt trying not to wake anyone I silently walked down the stairs no one was up so I made coffee I guess there all catching up on there sleep it was 8:30.

I pulled out my phone on the front screen there were a bunch of missed calls from alot of my family members.  I felt my hart sink thinking of what there going through or could be thinking... I turned my phone over and powered it down guess I'm not playing angry birds...

Soon there was a thumping down the stairs  it was Neil bright eyed and a bounce in his step.

"Morning!" He said in a cherry tone alot different then yesterday I wonder what happened last night?

"Morning." I replied in my morning voice. Taking a drink of my coffee .

Grabbing a coffee he asked.

"So we're is everyone else" I knew he meant Sasha.

"Sasha and Taylor are still sleeping. But I wouldn't expect her up till noon."

His smile slightly dropped.

"So what do you think she would like for Breakfast?"
What dose she like? I don't actually know... well I'm sure she would like chocolate chip pancakes...
"She loves chocolate chip pancakes " I smiled and devilishly grinned.
Well if I don't know what she wants maby I can get what I want.
He went into the cupboard pulling out all the stuff.
"You know I don't actually know that's just what I wanted...."
I couldn't help it I felt guilty and he only wanted to make her happy.
He stopped and turned around. 
"Ya... sorry"
He sighed "oh well... hope she likes these then..."
He continued making the pancakes.
Soon Taylor came down. His hair wet from a shower his shirt clung to him.
I felt my cheeks start to burn.
"Hey" I smiled at him.
"Hey" he replied in a groggy voice.
"You done with the shower?" I asked Realizing I haven't showered am a couple days.
"Huh ya. Go ahead."

Taylor POV
She ran up the stairs in my old t shirt. i loved seeing her in my clothes but she didn't like the shirt... oh well she won't have pajamas for a while. I smiled at that.
Looking over at Neil he was cooking breakfast. 
I wonder how she talked him into pancakes? He hates cooking them.
I took grabbed a cup of coffee.
"So pancakes? "
"Ya she tricked me and I was almost ready to start when she told me she doesn't know what Sasha likes. So I figured it's already ready might as well."
I chuckled.
"So you were going to make Breakfast for Sasha aw how cute." I joked He swatted at me.  I dogged out of the way with ease he was still mostly focusing on the pancakes.
He handed the spoon to me.
"Here you cook I'm going to watch TV but when she comes down I'm taking over."
He went over sitting on the couch.
He laid down grabbed the remote and turned it on to some sort of cartoon.
I  rolled my eyes I looked at his pancakes they were OK I guess not like mine. I will have to see what I can do.
15 minutes latter akia came down in her jeans and sweater with her wet hair. It was a dark brown and wavy it made her pale skin seem lighter like it was carved from marble and her eyes outlined with almost black thick and long eyelashes. Her light blue grayish eyes. Stood out yet blended perfectly.
The smell of the cooking pancakes snapped me back oh shit it's burning.
I whined around rushing to flip them before they burned.
"So you like to cook?" Akia asked me.
"Ya it's a hobby.." She smiled at me I started dishing out the finished pancakes onto a plate she tool the whole thing and took the syrup out of the fridge pouring it on. I shook my head she's going to die of a hart attack or diabetes at this rate.
Then Sasha came down she was dressed thou I asked her
"Dose she always have this much shuger?"
"Ya. And she doesn't gain a thing. " She replied in a bitter tone.
Akia butted In
"Like you can complain little miss  95 pounds."
I raised an eye brow. Really is that even possible maby because she's that small... interrupting my thought Neil came over gearing the spatula from my hand shoving me out of the way.
"Tanks for taking over for a minute!"
I rolled my eyes he turned to Sasha "hope you like pancakes! "
She smiled "ya sure"
Akia looked over to Neil."So what were you so happy about this morning?  Anything happen last night?"
" Nope just had a good dream." He replied looking over to Sasha who was eating her pancakes.
"So what's the plan for today?" Akia asked looking over to me.
Um what can we do they already did the gym there's not much else to do.... they could go back although I don't really want akia there... I can't take her anywhere with her and Sasha all over the news. Maby movies but I really should try to contact the other packs for help I haven't got a reply I should face time them or something in the study....
"Huh you could maby do a movie marathon I have some stuff to do but I will join you latter. And stay away from the gym." She rolled her eyes but sat on the couch and put on some movie I went up stairs to the study.
I voice called our closest  naibor I hated calling people Especially when asking for help. It was an older man his hair was starting to lose its colour. I never noticed how old he looked. This was alpha Fredrick. He never found his mate everyone  guesses she died . I kinda have always pitted him.
"Hello alpha Fredrick. It's good to hear you."
"Hello Taylor I hear you have a Lycan problem."
"Yes actually that's why I called I was wondering if you would help me defended agent the Lycans with me."
"Lycans are no common enemy you do realize what you ask?"
"I am sorry to ask this but I have no alternative. "
"What did you do to anger a Lycan pack to begin with? "
"Well the Lycan pack leader has taken a liking to my newly found mate and thinks he can take her but I can't let her go."
"So he offered you a trade?"
"Yes her for peace." I looked down at my shoes  I knew were this was going and I didn't want to hear it.
"Well is that such a cost to save the lives of your hole pack? "
"It's a price that is too steep for me." I felt the wight of my parents death and the grief come rushing back. Collecting myself I looked back up at the screen.
"It may not be fair what has happened to you and I don't know if you can bare it but sometimes the. I couldn't take it I shut it off I have hear ed this to Many times in my mind. I can't let her go thou she makes me feel so much more alive when I'm around her  I can't go throw this i won't let this be my destiny to love and have it taken away I won't let her go.
I walked out of the room I wanted to slam the door but If I did everyone would know I was pissed and I wanted to be alone and hit something. I walked out to the gym I went to the far corner to the 6 punching bags. I could feel my anger building then his face the Lycans and i snapped. I punched the bag off its chain hitting the wall turning around I round house kicked the other bag sending it to flying straight to Russell the trainer who I didn't see coming toward me. He tried to catch the bag that was flying toward him but when he did he fell on his ass with the bag on top of him.
I walked over pushing the bag off pulling him up.
"Huh... sorry" the anger seeping away.
" who stole your girlfriend and got away with it?" He said rubbing his shoulder.
"No one would get away with that not breathing anyway." He laughed I half smiled.
I shied "the packs aren't willing to fight with us agents the Lycans."
"To be fair that is a tall order to ask."
"I know. "
He looked around at the punching bags.
" Guess you found a tiger. I must say very few werewolves can do what you just did."
"Ya I guess so"  wow I actually did that I have never been abþle to do that before but I have never been this mad before.
" didn't think you had that in you?"
"Nether did i"
"I never found out my true strength until I found my mate either most don't. "
"Hun!"I wonder if her being special had anything to do with this is it? But maby it is normal and when a wolf is mad it's at its strongest.
Then I got a mind link.
Are you OK? You felt  really mad a minute ago? It was akia?
How did you know that? You shouldn't feel what I feel unless we have mated? What the hell is going on I never feel what she feels...
I don't know? I thought it was me but my wolf told me otherwise and I had no reason to feel mad.
Ya... I was mad. But I'm fine wait inside I will be up in a minute. I replied I wanted to talk about this in person. We have only ever kissed how the hell could this happen?

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