off with his head.chapter 19

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Taylor POV.
What OK she's alright.... she's alive! Oh man there both alive. I felt some of the tension I have been holding real eased. There going to escape to I will finally get to hold her back I'm my arms. I closed my eyes slowing myself to sink into that thought.
"Well you going to tell me what she said?" Neil yelled at me.
"There fine." I happily laughed. " and there going to escape."
There's was a slow smile creeping over his face.  A huge part of the wight had been lifted off my shoulders.
I ran my hands throw my black hair falling into a chair.
" she's OK."
Neil replied. "There both OK." His voice was fragile. All I wanted was to smell her sent have her in my arms fell her soft wavy hair.

Sasha POV.

I can go back I can get out of hear. I don't know how I feel about Neil but at least I could see my parents now I understand why they did this. It is dangerous.
I will say I miss Neil he made me feel happy and safe but I can't Handel this world if this is what it's like.

Akia POV
I could feel a smile on my face I imagined his face when he said wait how can you talk to me are you OK? He did still care I could feel my hart swell. He didn't find anyone else. I looked over to Sasha She looked worried.
"Are you ok?"
"Ya no I was just thinking my mom..."
"Oh.. ok"
I'm surprised why wouldn't she be thinking about Neil? She finally gets to go back to him maby it's because they only knew each other for a couple days. But Taylor and I only knew another for about a week longer.... Hun...
That sent me into memory's. Of when he kissed me the awkward walk to his house the first day I got my powers when I introduced Sasha to Taylor for the first time even the comment Taylor made about coffee all of it until I fell asleep in the dark cellar. 
I was once agin awoken by King but I knew this was the last.
Get the van.
That's all I said and all He replied was ok.
Sasha was walking behind me I waited till he was on his throne. Then he an ounce. 
"Now in front of my in tire pack. I wish you all to witness a union. Like no other a marriage. "
One guy was about to grab Sasha I heard her snarl but it was to late I shifted launching myself at king his eyes bulged as I ripe his head off his shoulders everyone stopped moving I turned around to show them there leaders head they were frozen in fear I shifted back to human form. There gas were all dropped even Sasha's.  I heard moment a gird was coming from behind with a sword I gave it spinning around and slicing his arm off. He fell to the ground and the room burst into screams. They charged me. I felt something click or change and the sword turned a blinding shade of wight but it didn't bother me everything I saw was wight except Eames they turned red. My sword started swinging like it knew what to do people started falling left and right.

Sasha POV
Her eyes and her sowed were blinding beams of light. She wasn't even trying and everyone that would challenge her would drop. To my left I saw a familiar face. Her.
Kla I snareled at her picking up a blade from a dead guard. I ran at her I saw the fear in her eyes. Good she's lucky I'm going to make this quick . She turned to run but there was a wall behind her. I had the blade to her neck. She gulped and it slightly cut her.
" How could you do this to us bring us hear teat us like this maby that's why fate made him your mate you deserve each other you know that." I looked her in the eye I saw a tear roll down her face as I sliced her head off her shoulder. Her body collapse to the ground. I ran over to the door opening it akia looked up still blazing like wight fire. She shifted and her wolf glowed like the moon ad she leaped over the 9 people still fighting. And we both ran our the door. As we left the area her glow faded until it was normal.
She stooped and turned to me looking me dead in the eyes.
You can never say any of this to any of them and we never speak of this again we ran away after we killed king and that's it.
I nodded why dose she want to hide this?

Akia POV
I can't belive I did that I killed all those people without thinking I am a monster I'm no better then king... I saw the van I could smell Taylor sent. Relief washed over me. I ran faster and I quickly changed jumping into his arms. He held me tightly but I held him tighter I never wanted to leave ever again. His warmth washed over me and he whispered in my ear we have to go.
I was forced back to reality. I pulled away and grabbed Sasha who was hugging Neil and threw her in the car Taylor was right we don't have time for this Neil gave he a look but jumped in the back seat with Sasha I got in the front with Taylor. There were Howell in the distance the engine stuttered I could now hear barking there getting closer finally the engine roared to life and Taylor stepped on it spinning the wheels in the dirt we went straight pulling on to the road and booked it far far away.  We drove all day and in the cover of the night we drove back to the house quietly. The car was awkward quite. 
I noticed that they both looked like they haven't sleep in days but I can only imagine how I look. When  we were in the house Neil turned to me.
" Why  did you ran?" He was pissed maby but I can understand why I dragged her into that crap hole there were still burn marks on her wrists to prove it.
" I didn't want anyone to get hurt I didn't mean for her to fallow me. I tried everything I could to protect her."
Sasha yelled. "I didn't want your protection and I fallowed you because I wanted to so stop beating your self up about it."She pointed to me and continued talking looking at  Neil " So don't get mad at her get mad at me. And she did do everything even thou I didn't want her to she did when you weren't there and she's the reason we escaped."
He looked wounded like she actual stabbed him then his face turned to anger.
" I was doing everything to try to get you back we even called a genie and he wouldn't help us because it was too dangerous and hard.
Her eyes softened slightly but she still said. "  that's it I'm going home. I can't deal with this anymore. Everything i have done since I found out has only ruined everything I'm leaving. "
"Fine go." Neil said and I saw the hurt on her face as she walked out the door.
I looked back to Neil he looked equal hurt I felt for both of them but you know what he needs to her this. " You dumb ass. Think about her and everything she's been throw. Shoe some sport."
He plowed pissed then he had a llok of realization and looked back to the door but she was already long gone
" I'm going to go have a shower " I shied in exhaustion. I felt disgusting I walked up the stairs to the bathroom. I went past the mirror and do a double take I was drenched in dried blood and dirt. We're I was slashed there was a wight line on my face barley noticeable and on my back they were deeper and red they streamed down to my tail bone and over my shoulder I shuttered when I touched it. My hair had clumps of blood in it and dirt.
Sasha was just dusty with a little blood on her arms and pant legs. I tore myself away from the mirror and got in the shower.

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