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(( This chapter will be a bit sad and touchy.you may skip if you'd  like until the next update thank you for waiting.))

You sat on your bed and stared at the paper given to you a few days ago.
You pondered about who could sign it.
Your dad May do it but the school may call him to clarify it's him since his handwriting sucks. You wouldn't want that cause he'll get pissed and blame you,then he may hurt you. You shiver at the thought before thinking about Bokuto's dad.
'Maybe he can...hm.maybe.' You thought. 
You get up and open your closet and grab ahold of a photo with your mother's smiling face on it.
"Mom,should I ask dad to sign this?"
You hopelessly asked out loud.

Suddenly thunder viscously struck the sky making you jolt in fear.
You look out the window as you calmed down.
"Huh, understood." You mumbled.
It started to pour outside as you folded the paper back in half and placed it under your bed.
You kept the photo next to you as you drift to sleep thinking about your mom.

You suddenly got disturbed by banging erupting from your door and a raspy voice shouting.
You quickly take a glance at your phone seeing that it was 4:35 in the morning.
You groan as you got up and unlocked your door and hesitantly opened it.
The door flung open slamming on your shoulder making you yelp.
You grasp it trying to somehow ease the pain faster.
"Go wash th-e fucking dishes n-now!" He slurred.
You nod as you begin to tremble.
You cautiously walk past him and descended down the hall.
You walk up to the sink and saw a single bowl and a couple of forks and spoons.
You glare down at it beginning to get very pissed off.
"Your grounded for two weeks so give me your shit."
You turn around in disbelief.
"B-but for what?" You semi shouted.

He grew angrier by the second as he walked closer to you.
"For not washing the fucking dishes. Give me your shit now,you don't deserve it anyway!" He growled.
You grab the bowl and held it up.
"It's just a single bowl and a few spoons." You mumbled trying not to yell. He smacked the bowl harshly out of your hands making it shatter on the floor. You shout in fear as he reached for your hair.
He grabbed a fist full of it and shook it making you grab his wrist with both hands trying to prevent him from yanking you around.
"Don't fucking talk back to me. You don't do a damn thing around here,your a lazy unemployed stupid brat who doesn't deserve anything. That's why you were born with this disgusting hair." He spat shoving you back making you fall on the counter of the sink.
The wood dug in your back sending a tsunami of pain.
You squeezed your eyes closed clenching your teeth as you fell to the floor.
He drunkly tumbled away already forgetting about grounding you. He was just drunk and was simply looking for a fight.
You breathed heavily and slowly stood up.
Your eyes began to water as you gently rubbed your back. 
You dry your eyes and calm down.
If you even cry longer then a minute then he will come back and threaten you to stop or he'll give you something to cry about. It just wasn't acceptable.
You turn to the sink and quietly wash the spoons and forks before turning agin to fetch the broom.

You felt depressed. You felt miserable and useless.
You also felt angry. He said you didn't do a damn thing around here and was unemployed.
You scoff as you broom up the shattered bowl and continued shouting in your head.
You washed the dishes,sweep the house ,mop the house, did the laundry,and on top of that trying to keep up with your school life. There was no time for a job.
You tried once before and you would arrive home extremely late and get yelled at for not cleaning, that part made you angry cause you would always clean before hand.but he would make the mess though out the day and blame you.

Nothing worked out. You were tired all the time and your stomach would hurt when you will eat. Though that would be sometimes. You never gave it much attention. You sigh as you picked up the pieces and threw it away.

You stood there quietly and stared in space.  You started to understand why your mother did what she did.
This was dangerous. You knew you needed help but didn't know how to ask.
You shake the thoughts away and thought about bokuto.

You smile softly feeling better.
At least someone actually cares for you.

"GO GET ME SOME FUCKING BEER!" You heard him shout. 
You frown and walked to your room getting dressed. You walk out of your room and walked up to his.
You nervously knocked on his door earning a irritated reply.
"Fuck! What!?"

You flinch before continuing.
"I- n-need m-m money.." you harshly stuttered while holding back tears.
The door opened threateningly slow as he glared at you.
"Say that one more fucking time but let me catch you stuttering agin. You know I hate that shit." He spat.

Your heart pounded and everything was making it hard to breath.
you stared at the floor with complete terror in your eyes.
You had to calm down and fast.
You quickly thought about what made you happy.
You thought about him yet agin.
You get to see him and spend a whole trip with him if you get the papers signed.
You took a deep breath and spoke.
" I need money" you calmly said.
Suddenly the door slammed shut.

"Better figure it out then. Don't make we wait for to long."
He said bitterly.

You sunk and turned pale.
You didn't know what to do.
You didn't have money...
Suddenly You perked up and went to your room.
You went through your backpack and saw the money Bokuto's dad gave you.
You smile softly out of sheer relief.
You put on the backpack and headed out.
It was currently 5:23 in the morning as you grabbed a case of beer.
You paid and headed out back to the place of hell you lived at.
You squint and switched hands so the weight wasn't on your hurt shoulder.
After a while of walking you walked up to your door and opened it then locking it behind you.
You always left it unlocked when you aren't here and he is,probably in hopes a robbery will take place or something.
You place the case in the fridge and went to your room to hide your uniform. Like hell you were going to school today. Your to stressed and mentally exhausted.
You had to make sure he won't find it so he thinks your at school.
Once done you take off before he sees you.
Luckily it was Friday so he will leave thinking your at school. 

You arrived at the pond place and sit down on a bench under a tree. The air felt crisp and smelled refreshing.
You relax making sure no one was around.
Your face softened and there you sat crying.
A single person can only hold back so much before needing to release a little bit of pain.
You always planned to get CPS involved but there are these moments when your father would cry too and say he's sorry,he would blame his actions on his wife's grave but those moments leave just as fast as they arrived.
You scoffed knowing they're fake but you fall for it every time.  You raise a foot and slam it into the ground as you glare in the sky.
You were just to damn scared to say anything. 
You took deep breaths and calmed down as you tried to make a plan.
You kept thinking about your crush and soon decided you will tell him what's going on with your life. Maybe he can help...but what if he can't? What if it becomes awkward?what if he decides to leave you because he doesn't want to deal with drama?
You whimpered always hating to think about the future.
Your sure he won't act like that but there would always be a what if in the world no matter what. You fear it greatly...

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