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No,I'm not actually ending it yet. Sorry not sorry. ;)

Everything was..slow.

You stood outside next to that officer from earlier as a single squat team went inside looking for him.
You watched as time only seemed to go by with each heart beet. It felt like a dream. 
You then felt your stomach fall as the men walk back out with no sign of the devil man.
You looked up to the woman who asked where he was.

One of the men answered stating that he simply wasn't there.
You gulp as the female nodded.
"Spread out around the area and keep an eye out for him." She asked.
They nod and did just that.

The remainder of the time you sat down with her at the small lake area and talked about other things to keep your mind occupied.

During your small conversations you couldn't help but  wonder where Diana.


"Okay y/n hun,I just need one question answered to make sure we know you will be safe. Where will you be going to stay?" She asked.

You thought for a moment trying to remember Bokuto's address.

You hum after finally remembering as you turn to tell her. She smiles kindly and nods her head as he writes it down.


You heard a static voice say.
The female officer pulled out her small radio and spoke into the mic.
She notified that she understood and stood up taking you with her as she dashed to the police car.

Your heart tightened like a spring as you buckled in preparing for this unpredictable event that's unfolding slowly.  The woman then starts the engine and sets off to the location where he's been spotted.

You quietly looked out the window and saw the lights flash off of objects that you passed with red and blue. You started  to take deep breaths trying to calm down as the vehicle arrives at a gas station after a few minutes.
The woman parks and hurriedly got out the car telling you to stay put.

You saw her walk to the distance as she turned to a blind spot to your vision with both arms up and gun in hand before disappearing.

You looked around simply seeing more men who were armed vanish with her from your sights.

You heard distant yelling for a minute before it went quiet.

Your breath trembled as you watched intensely...

Suddenly your phone started to ring making you jump giving you a heart attack. You look down and saw it was bokuto calling you.
You answer and held it up to your ear.
"H-hey." You sighed.

"Where are you y/n?" He asked with such a warm and kind tone.

"I'm doing something r-right now.i'll see you in a bit gotta go." You finished.

You hang up immediately after seeing your father get taken to a police car with hands in cuffs and a bruised face clearly had being resistant.
You never saw the day to see such a monster like your dad get taken down. You thought it was impossible.

After they walked by they passed you.
You met eyes with your defeated father and you unknowingly did something you thought would never happen infront of him.

You smiled.

He looked away with such guilt and anger it was sickening.

But you continued to smile..
He was going to go away for a long,long time. You nearly jumped out of your own skin finally having the bone aching chains removed.

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