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that extra breath provides the strength to make it through the day

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I had never been one to wake up late, rather enjoy the consistency of waking early. I had gained the habit back in our trainee days, often wanting to just be able to keep a schedule to have enough time to work harder on dance. It slowly formed into an everyday thing, a process I had yet to ever permanently break. Some would say it's compulsive, though as the lead dancer, I took it as my responsibility. I don't think I'd be able to live right if the others remained due to mistakes formed by my own laziness or stupidity.

Our tour was arising soon, growing nearer with each passing day. We would be performing in front of millions soon, many eyes on us. Taehyung and Jungkook would probably get the loudest cheers, they always did, fans holding a deep admiration for them. Edits of Jimin and Jin would rise quickly, the fans enjoyed watching Jimin strive healthily while finding themselves immersed in Jin's beauty. Clips from Namjoon being the amazing leader he is going to trend, his words reaching the hearts of so many. I had no doubt in my mind that Yoongi's raps would surface around the internet, fans cheering wildly and trending how hard he worked, appreciating his raw talent. 

Why wouldn't they? Yoongi Hyung was far from lazy ... He worked hard and even I admired it, his ability to do so much and yet remained stoic to the public, using it as a charm of his own. Yoongi Hyung is a cloud, a moment of relief from the glimmering sun.

Many thoughts roamed my mind as I dressed that dull day, glancing back to a sleeping Jimin. His eyes were puffy, had he been cried? I only recall passing out after practicing after all had fallen asleep. I don't think anyone has noticed my extra practice and that's fine, I can bypass them in the depths of the night, a smile no longer necessary, mask removed, guard lowered.

I adjusted my hair in the mirror, allowing it to fall softly over my forehead before dabbing a soft amount of concealer under my eyes. It was the first time possible maybe a week or two that I'd genuinely looked in a mirror, observing my features. Had my face always been this long ..; My eyes so far apart ...; my nose is quite large, isn't it? The thought lingered within my mind even as my legs guided me from the shared bedroom, even though they weren't an inconvenience or even too much of a distraction, simply nagging thoughts residing in the back of my mind. Namjoon and Seokjin Hyung were already awakened and were chatting quietly, a drama of sorts on low volume in the background. Jin had his back slightly pointed towards me, leaned in enough to hear Namjoon's words, nodding along with sincere interest.

The inhale was barely noticeable to even myself, providing me with the extra energy to take said steps forward. Most of it was mindless, as I leaned in between the two, my face contorting softly to mimic Jin's engrossment in Namjoon's words. Only when they emitted chuckles, their faces shifting to the ones of delight, did I notice my exhale. Relief? Joy? My mind simply fell back to its focus of heading to the studio with the exhale, no general emotion forming with it. It was nothing but a breeze, a brief rest from the heat of the sunrise, cooling the rays I claimed as thoughts before allowing them to warm the world once more.

"Goodmorning-!" my voice was light and I felt my eyes crinkle a bit when I spoke, pleased with their reactions. 

"Hoseok ~~ It's too early to mock your Hyungs!" 

Namjoon had a snickered a bit at Jin Hyung's mix of a whine and a complaint directed towards me and my gimmicks; I simply shrugged, a soft grin appeareding on my lips as I allowed my legs to carry me to the kitchen. The remainder of the time before I headed to the studio was mindless, I didn't have to speak much, even though I was able to fit in small jokes and such before I left. At such a point, Namjoon had begun his job of waking the others, leaving Jin scanning the kitchen for breakfast ideas, they moved effortlessly, nothing questioned, all at peace.

The sun had begun rising, casting a soft glow over what was able to reach, it's warmth not yet full, despite the vibrant pleasure those who felt it had found.


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