Chapter 1

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Tara *

Everyone has a breaking point. That's fact. Some people's breaking points are after a death or the end of their relationship. Mine was neither of those. Mine brewed overtime, waiting for the moment to strike, and then the incident happened, delaying it. But then everything that happened after the incident caused my emotions to increase, so that when my breaking point came too it wouldn't just happen and be done with it, no. When it finally happened, when I finally reached my limit, it would explode and not only hurt me but it would cause great pain to those close to me.

Before the incident I was just like every other 16 year old. I had finally picked my subjects for my senior years in school, I had a great group of friends that we did everything together. My parents were still happily married and loving life together. Everything was perfect. Everything was normal up until the night of the end of year party.

Every year on the last Friday of school the senior class throws a huge party to celebrate finishing their schooling life. Everyone from the school is invited to a seniors house, where everyone drinks and dances all night long. I had been twice before and every year something always happens. The first year I went a group of year 12 boys somehow got a jet ski into the olympic size pool and were taking turns racing up and down. The last year I went the police were called and shut down the party around 2am. Everyones expectations were high this year, what were the seniors going to do?.

School had finally finished and everyone was rushing home to get ready for the party, most of year 12 students had ditched school today to set up the party. As I was walking out of the school gates my two best friends Emily and Chrissy were waiting for me.

"So Tara do you know what you're going to wear tonight?." Asked Emily.

"Yeah I've got this really cute black skirt I'm going to wear and match it with this red halter top. What about you?."

"I bought this dress the other day that is prefect for tonight." When Emily says perfect she means short and tight, perfect to get the boys attention.

"I'm wearing my blue dress that shows off my entire back." Laughs Chrissy. We all get into Chrissy's car and head home.

We arrive at the party at 10pm and it's already going off. There's a group of students running around in swimmers having a water fight, others are partying in the pool. Students scatter the property drinking and laughing. Walking into the house we find more students and more alcohol. We are handed drinks and left to ourselves. Moving further into the house we find tables of food and a year 8 kid passed out with marker all over his face. Laughing we continue moving forward following the sound of music until we hit the dance floor. We jump around laughing at the silly dance moves we do. Soon Emily starts to dance one of the football players. Chrissy and I stay dancing together giving Emily thumbs up when the guy isn't looking. A group of guys make their way over to us, seeing as Emily is dancing with their friend that they can also have a dance with Chrissy and me. As a guy reaches for me Chrissy steps in and starts to do the shopping trolley dance move, followed by the sprinkler. The guy steps back not knowing what to do and eventually leaves. I burst out laughing at Chrissy's moves and join in. The other boys stand back watching us dance, not brave enough to join in but not leaving either. As the night goes on the more alcohol is consumed. Slowly the party starts to die down due to everyone passing out. It's 2am when I decide its time to go. Emily said she was going to stay the night with another girl from our science class. I find Chrissy trying to have a serious discussion about politics with a couple but both Chrissy and the couple are far too drunk to know what they are saying let alone to listen to each other. And why they are talking about politics I have no idea. Searching the house I find that every bedroom and surface is taken by passed out students. Walking back to the living room I pick up my bag and jumper and decide to walk the short way home. Walking away from the house I smile to myself thinking about the night. The jet ski made a reappearance at this years party. Also the year 12 boys decided to put on a short musical for everyone and as the party went on the cloths came off. After the show the boys decided to go for a nudity run around the whole property and the next and the one next to that before making their way back to the party house. The longer they ran the more people joined in. If the neighbouring houses looked out their windows they would see naked students running through their properties and down the street.

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