Chapter 12

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Sam *

"Sam!" Calls June the art teacher from across the quad.

"What can I do for you June."

"Have you seen Tara?"

"No. Don't have class with her unlit tomorrow." I start to look around the quad."What happened?"

"I was helping out another student when I happened to look over at her. She had her eyes closed tight but her hand was still drawing away, so I went over to check on her and.." June pauses. "The drawing was of hands tying rope around a smaller hand. She started shaking and next minute her eyes open, book slammed shut and she's running from my room."

"Well... I don't know what to say."

"Sam you should of seen the look on her face. I've never seen anything like it and honestly it's quite unsettling."

"I know June, she's alway on edge."
"Do... do you think she was drawing..." She didn't need to finish her sentence. We were both thinking that whatever Tara was drawing was a memory from the incident.


"Good morning everyone. Take your seats." I say handing out lesson plans as students file through the classroom door.

Tara is the last student to enter and take her seat. She sits down, opens a sketch book and draws, paying no attention to anything around her.

I take a deep breath in, I really don't want to teach this topic today. Especially with Tara sitting there doing her own thing.

"Today we are going to read..." The class looks up at my hesitation. Even Tara has stopped sketching to look up.

"You know what we are changing topics."

"But sir today we are meant to be learning about—"

"I've changed my mind."

"But sir today's lesson is on sexual harassment."

Everything in the room seems to freeze. No one dares to move or speak.

Tara looks back down to her book, her shoulders raising up and down quickly.

"Mr Craft?" A student says raising her hand and glancing towards Tara with concern.


"Can we please move on to a different topic?"

"I think that's best—"

"No." All eyes turn to the quiet voice that came from Tara. Still looking at her closed book, her shoulders slightly shaking. "You need need to learn about it."

The class is silent as they watch Tara.

"You need to learn that you have a voice and that, that voice matters. You have a choice and no one, NO ONE, can make that for you." The class is dead silent.  "You need to learn that the world isn't going to give a shit about you and that you have to make it on your own." Her hands slam on the table.

Everybody jumps but doesn't make a sound.

Tara stands, packs her things up and storms from the room.

"Daniel. Can you please go next door and find a teacher to come in and look after the class."


"But before you do. Everyone please, you know this is a very sensitive topic. I'm asking you to keep this amongst yourselves. I don't want to hear about this running through the school. It's the best thing you can do for Tara right now. Understand?"

The whole class agreed.

"Daniel go find a teacher."

I walk towards the back of the school where I can see Tara throwing her stuff to the ground. She picks up sticks and throws them at trees, screaming. As I get closer I can hear that her screams have turned into sobs. Covering her face with her hands she falls to the ground looking defeated. I make my way closer to her, stepping over her thrown books and take a seat. I don't say anything. I just sit there staring out across the field and listen to her cry. Eventually there's silence, both of us looking out across the school.

"I haven't slept since I left the hospital. Did you know that?". I don't dare answer.  "Even then I had to be drugged to get one moment of fucking peace and quiet." She pauses. " Every time I close my eyes I'm back in my own hell."

Her voice is soft and no emotion is being carried through her haunting words.

"Every night I wake up screaming and gasping for air, while I claw at my cloths. Every night." A tear slips down her cheek. "I can still feel their hands on me. Still feel it when they hit me, kick me and burn me." 

Silence. I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Do you think the memorise will ever go away?" Tara turns to look at me in the eyes. "Because if they don't, I don't know what I'm going to do."

I find myself looking into the eyes of a broken girl. A young woman who should be enjoying starting her senior years at high school. Instead I'm facing a young woman who has seen too much and suffering greatly.

"I — I don't have the answer to that Tara. I wish I did but I don't." Tears run down both of her cheeks. "What I do know is that there are people who care for you and are willing to listen and help you."



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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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