Chapter 8

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Sam *

The next day at school I arrive a little later than normal, most of the students have already arrived and are now just waiting for the bell to ring. As I walk to my staffroom I stop to chat to some students about upcoming sport events.

I walk past a group of year 9 students and overhear their conversation.

"Did you hear about Tara's arms?"

"No. Why?"

"Apparently they're covered in marks, you can hardly see normal skin. Also did you hear what happened the other day? Richard lit a cigarette and after he was finished he through it on the ground near Tara and you should of seen her face. She looked like she was going to vomit."

"Oh my gosh!!...." 

I keep walking to the staffroom, remembering the round burn marks on Tara's arms. I stop in my tracks. The round burn marks, Tara's reaction to the cigarette being thrown near her. The burn marks must have been from a cigarette. My eyes widen at my assumption. Looking around the quad I find Tara sitting by herself, looking deep in thought.  I then notice Emily on the other side of the quad staring at Tara.  The bell rings and Tara jumps. She looks up at the other students walking to their roll call rooms. Tara stiffens and a panicked looked covers her face. I watch as Emily starts to make her way towards Tara. But before she can reach her, Tara stands and runs towards the back oval.  I make my way to my staffroom and drop my stuff off before following in Tara's direction.

I find Tara sitting hunched over at a table down at the back of the school. Her arms wrap around her legs, holding them tightly to her body. Her forehead resting on her knees.


Tara looks up immediately. Her eyes hold unshed tears.

"Tara are you alright?". I know it's a stupid question but what else am I meant to say.

She doesn't say anything.

I walk towards her and watch as she lets go of her legs and sits up straight, ready to bolt when and if necessary. I sit on the opposite side of the table, the furtherest seat away.

"I know you've heard this all before and I don't expect you to answer but if you need to talk.." I trail off.

Tara stares at the table in front of her.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to Tara. I don't want you to feel pressured to tell me anything. I just want you to know that I'm here if you need anything."

"I... I..." She takes a deep breathe. "I just... I just can't......" A tear slips down her cheek.

"Tara I know no one will ever understand what you went through and I don't expect you to tell me anything. I just want you to know that there are people who love you and want to see you happy."

Tears continue to roll down her cheeks. We sit in silence, both lost in our own thoughts. The bell rings soon after and I stand up.

"Ready for class?"

Tara takes a breathe and stands. We both walk up from the back oval in utter silence. Tara heads off to her class and I enter my staffroom.

"Where have you been?." Asks Debbie.

"Sorry I saw Tara run to the back oval so I followed her to make sure she was okay."

"Is she okay?"

"As okay as she can be."

Debbie nods her head understanding what I mean. We both then head off to our first class for the day.


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