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" -e " ------- named for and symbolizes anyone of the noble class

" -a " ------- named for and symbolizes anyone of the common class

" -o " ------- named for and symbolizes anyone of the outcasts/outlaws/lurker class.


Ivy Rayne Pretorius -------------- Main character. Able to control and manipulate a common household object called 'paper' and all sources thereof.

___ -------------------------------------------- Abby's father

Riaan ------------------------------------------ Abby's baby brother

Charlize Pretorius ------------------------- Abby's mother, daughter of Leana Mi Tro-e and also believed to hold power over plant life, though in a weaker state compared to her mother.

Willy ------------------------------------------ Live-in caretaker at Pretorius Farm. Abby's childhood friend.

Willy the Dachshund ---------------------- named after Abby's childhood friend who died amongst the slaughter of her family.

Rojaahn -------------------------------------- Abby's uncle, but later found to be her biological father.

Isabella---------------------------------------- Rojaahn's' wife. Abby's aunt.

William Allen Schmeltzen ----------------------------- Abby's uncle as well as legal guardian...and a serial killer.

Hilda Schmeltzen ---------------------------------- Abby's uncle. Wife if Timothy Moser and a former veterinarian.

Henry Tucker Hennington ---------------- Abbigayle's 1st boyfriend.

Roland Cooper ------------------------------ A police offer. He finds Abby after her escape from her uncle.

Liam -------------------------------------------- Maude's son. Abby's friend.

Maude ----------------------------------------- Bookstore owner. Abby's employer.

Nikki ------------------------------------------- 1st employer at the Shell Cafe in California

Tiffany Rinder ------------------------------ Abby's friend until her power over paper complicates things.

Mimi Rinder ---------------------------------- Tiffany's mother and wife of Ronald Rinder.

Ronald Rinder ----------------------------- Tiffany's father and husband of Mimi Rinder.

Levi Rinder ---------------------------------- Tiffany's brother and Mimi and Ronald Rinders' son.


King Orseus (un-named at this time)

Queen Feore (un-named at this time)


T'horis Tro-e -------------------------------- Master of the House of Tro-e, husband to Deleena Tro-e and father to Leana Mi and Lori Me Tro-e.

Deleena Ri Tro-e -------------------------- Leana and Lori's mother.

Leana Mi Tro-e --------------------------- 2nd daughter and Abbigayle Rayne Pretorius' grandmother.

Lori Me Tro-e ------------------------------ 1st daughter and Leana's sister.

Ka La-e ------------------------------------- Master of the House of La-e and Leana's chosen matched.

Teo La-e ----------------------------------- The only son of Ka La-e.

----------------------------------- Other notable Characters -----------------------------------

Moen "Mo" Ro Leo-a ------------------ Leana's best friend and a Digger. Considered the upper class of the commoners due to his father's expeditions in recovering ancient relics for the King of Ethrall.

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