Chapter 2

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So it's been a while since we've(EbboniSmith & WeirdoWhisperer) updated.

Sorry...exams and Christmas break(Exams were rough, I slept through most of the holiday-WW).

We've had this for a while but didn't publish it because we didn't have time to finish it.

Anyway, it's here at last!

Hope you enjoy!!!

P.S. Sorry for this long notice:-)


Chapter 2

I stare at my surroundings, somewhat baffled at what I see. My classmates and a few teachers stare back at me, mirroring my exact expression-confusion.

"What is she doing here?" I hear a high pitched voice from behind me. She cups her hand into the mystery guy's. You know, the one that saved my life, if that's what you call it.

"She was out there...alone." He paused then looked at me. "I couldn't leave her out there."

"Why not?" She mumbles under her breath, skipping off to a bench in the corner, her hands still glued to his.

I search for an empty seat but fail to find any. Instead, I make my way to a clean spot on the floor.

Atta girl, you probably confirmed the whole thought of you being a freak.

My thoughts rummage through my head, hoping to find a tranquil resting place. Huh, I wished it was that easy in the real world. I guess the only option to receive pure tranquillity would be death but it looks like someone crossed that off my list. Maybe I should make a new one.

"Hey," a hand touches my shoulder, "what are you doing on the floor?" I look up and I'm greeted by cerulean blue eyes.

"What's it to you?" I groan while rolling over on my back and folding my arms under my head.

"I just thought the floor would be a little cold." He says in a matter-of-fact tone. "Afterall, it is about thirty five degrees in here."

I sit up, rubbing the pain in the back of my neck away. "Who are you again?"

"Oh, forgive my manners." He replies, extending his arm for a handshake, I suppose. "I'm Quint."

"Well, hello Quint." I say, accepting the handshake. "I haven't seen you around here before."

Rubbing the back of his neck, he clears his throat. "Yeah, so you want to not sit on the floor and freeze to death please?" He asks motioning to two empty seats in the corner.

I laugh. "Sure, that makes sense." He helps me up and I give a childish wink.


The past hour has been completely unreal. I made a friend, well, I think I did. It was like everyone else was on the outside and we were in our own little bubble. We talked about our favourite things and he explained that the storm would probably pass soon. But there was only one thing I was thinking about the whole time:

Who is he and why is he talking to me?

I couldn't do it though- I didn't have the guts, I didn't have the stamina I had when I was facing the storm, so I kept the questions to myself and nodded politely.

He's smart and I can tell that he doesn't socialize that much(Look who's talking) because he kept thumping himself in the head when he realized he was "over explaining things." But I think it's cute when he babbles on about things I will probably never understand.

It's all strange to me that something so disastrous could manifest into something that is actually worth living for. For the first time in five years, I smile. I smile because things are finally looking up-just like Mom said it would.

I wait at my seat until Quint comes back with some water. Muffled arguing turns my attention to the door a couple steps away from me. Everyone else seems to be completely oblivious to what is happening seeing that Jake just turned on the motorcycle engine.

"What are you looking at freak?" He shouts from across the room. "It's the first you've seen two amazing things standing side by side, isn't it?"

Turning away, I roll my eyes and tuck my hands into the pockets of my sweater. Leaning to the door, I listen to the ongoing conversation.

"I don't see why you have such a big problem with her, Taylor!" Mystery guy's voice rises with frustration. "It's not like she has ever done anything to you."

A puny sigh leaves Taylor's mouth. "Baby, I know that. I just don't trust her. I mean, you've seen her around, she doesn't have any friends and I've heard she eats out of the dumpster."

"That's nonsense!" Footsteps pace the floor. "Those are all lies, and when exactly have you started listening to what people say?"

There's a pause and for some reason, tears are starting to build up in my eyes. Why should I care? It's not like everything she says isn't true. The dumpster thing is new though.

"That's not the point and I think you should stay away from her. For all we know, she could be a sociopath ." She whispered the last part but I heard it, and even though I couldn't care less, I wish I hadn't heard it.

The door struggles to push open and I quickly make my way to the seat.

I hang my head as I watch the tears drip on the forearms of my sweater.

Taylor and mystery guy walks by and he turns his head, giving me a half-smile. Sniffling and all, I drag my arm sleeve across my face to dry the tears.

I've been called many things throughout my time here at Casper Peak High-I've been called a tattletale, a weirdo and even a freak-but never before have I ever been accused of being a sociopath.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Quint walks up to me holding two cups of water.

Sniffling, I drag the sleeve of my sweater across my face. "Nothing. I'm fine." I say with a shaky voice.

"Phoenix," he chuckles, "unless you have Bipolar Affective Disorder, being fine and crying don't exactly go in the same sentence." He says stifling a laugh.

"Hey," I give him a little shove, "no laughing at the crying girl."

I pause to take a long look at him, hoping to see what are his ultimate plans, when a ray of realization overcomes me.

He called me by my name.


Hey my lovelies! Listen to Numb by Linkin' Park(don't worry my lazy peeps, it's in the media). I think it kinda relates to this chapter(oh well, we all think differently).
Note: I am the co-writer for this book...Got any questions? PM me at WeirdoWhisperer or hit up EbboniSmith(co-writer, sarcastic as Hell but super awesome so be prepared!!)

And don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT whether you liked it or not.

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