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A hand wrapped around my waist holding me steady and another hand wrapped around my mouth. Sealing whatever words i wanna speak out. Pinning me against the tree. I can bearly feel the ground in my feet.

"Don't you dare.. Don't you dare to reject me, sunshine." furious face inches away from my face that i can feel his breathing against by face with his eyes full black and showing his canine, telling me his wolf is in surface, ready to shift if I utter one word he don't like.

I can feel it, I can feel the tingling electrifying sensation within his hold on my mouth and I can smell it, the most intoxicating smell I ever smelt in my life. I know I want more but I know--

He don't want me to reject him.
Parts of me want to believe he wants us, He want the mate bond...

but he is the Alpha King

maybe he want just to kill me because a rejection can cause severe physical pain to us.

Moon Goddess. I think this is my end.

Then he growl at me, growl that shaken my internal peace.

Terrified by his action I feel a tears run down my cheeks.. That's when I saw his face soften, I'm not sure. My vision get blurry due to my tears.

Then I feel him loosens his grips on my mouth and waist and let me go.
I feel my legs weaken that I hold on the tree behind me to support me from not falling down on the ground. I take a step back pinning myself more against the tree hopong the tree will consume me so I will be able to escape from him.

He scrowl from my action still looking at me. He run his finger in those silky blond hair he have and grip on them, frustration is obviously shown in those perfectly fine face, He turn his back on me and pace back and forth, exasperated, like he wants to punch or slice someone's throat. And no one is here, just me and him so that someone would be me.

"P-Please.. d-don't kill me." I mutter the words, trying to take step backward hoping the tree will hide me from me but none. He stopped and snapped back at me still in his pitch-black eyes . He then launch at me so fast that I didn't even notice the movement . His arms at the sides of my head, caging me between them, his face inches away from me, furious again. I cringe over the sudden movement, not breaking eye contact with him.

"I would never ever kill or even dare hurt you, sunshine. You are mine. My Last Chance of Happiness" he said with a hint of hurt in his voice.

The words is so good to hear but not when the words came from the Alpha King itself.

with that. I didn't take it anymore. A suddent faintness overcome me and i was consumed by darkness.

I hear a commotion that make me awake, I know am awake yet I am too tired to open my eyes, I can't even move my body, it's feel like all my fatigue all this years has consumed me. All I can feel is I am lying on a soft material, a mattress I think. But No. It is more like a couch.

"We can't gave her to you Alpha King, She's a very important Omega in our pack, we cannot lose her, am sorry Alpha King" I hear Alpha Jacob say. then someone growl that I think I feel the couch to shake

"What did you say Jacob? are you saying that you won't let my Mate, my Luna, the Luna of all the Lunas, your future Queen to come with me?Do you have death wish right now? are you trying to defy your King right now Alpha?" I know that voice. The King. Alpha King Levious.

"But-" Alpha Jacob but he's words was cut by a growl that I feel the couch to shake again.


Mate. Omega. Luna. they are talking about me.

And the King will take me away. Away from my pack.

and then suddenly Darkness consumed by again.

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