vi. faking it

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[vi. faking it]

Niall sat on the counter, going through his Twitter feed and waiting for Liam and Zayn to come out of the closet.

ha, closet humor.

The day had been the slowest one in awhile, and they had only seen two costumers today, not counting Zayn.

The overhead bell chimed on the front door and Niall jumped. His phone fell out of his hand as he clambered over the side of the counter.

"Welcome to Beans!" Niall called out his over rehearsed line.

"Niall?" A voice asked.

"Harry?" Niall asked back.

"Hi." Harry said once he got to the counter.

"H-hey." Niall said, trying to hide his nervousness.

"What's going on? It looks empty in here." Harry muttered, turning his head about the cafe.

"It's not completely empty. Liam and Zayn are in the back. My manager went for lunch an hour and a half ago."

"Who's Liam and Zayn?" Harry asked.

"Liam is the machine worker, and my closest friend. And Zayn, well. Zayn's a creepy pervert who flirts with everything."

"Everything? Do you mean everyone?" Harry asked.

"No. I saw him chatting up the coat rack last week. He's ruthless." Niall said.

"So I'm under the impression that you don't like him much?"

"Would you like someone that hit on you everyday, and never stopped asking you out or complimenting you?"

"Um, I don't think it would bother me." Harry laughed.

"It's worse than it sounds ok? Just trust me on this one."

"Ok, so do you think that there's a way to make him stop?" Harry asked, figuring that it was pointless to argue with Niall.

"No, he won't stop." Niall said flatly.

"I bet he will." Harry said certainly.

"How much?" Niall asked, raising his eyebrow cheekily.

"If i'm right, you can't wear the beanie for the rest of the week. If your right, I'll dye my hair any color you choose." Harry said, crossing his arms. He knew for a fact that he had this one in the bag.

'Not a chance, Horan.' Harry thought.

They didn't have to wait long before Liam and Zayn came back out.

"Hey beautiful." Zayn said. Liam rolled his eyes and snorted, wishing that Zayn would say stuff like that to him.

"Hi Z." Niall said. As much as the guy annoyed Niall, he was just as much a part of his day as Liam.

"Let's say we go hang out after you get off. We could go to dinner?" Zayn asked, ever the cheeky bastard.

"Um, hi." Harry said quietly, getting Zayn's attention.

When Zayn turned to look at Harry, he thought he had bee blinded.

Zayn was fucking gorgeous. He was picturing some old bald guy with a beer belly, not this God amongst men.

He was momentarily to stunned to continue, but then he saw a mental picture of himself with pink hair and snapped out of it.

"Sorry, but Niall's already with someone." Harry stated matter of factly.

"Really? Who?" Zayn didn't believe the new guy for one minute.

"Me." Harry said, trying not to gag. Harry may be bisexual, but not for Niall.

"I don't believe you." Zayn said, crossing his arms over his toned chest.

"Why not?" Harry nearly whined. He grabbed Niall's hand from behind the counter.

"Kiss." Zayn said simply.

"What?" Niall and Harry both asked, shocked.

"You heard me. If you two are a couple, then you shouldn't have a problem kissing." Zayn smirked.

Niall started panicking, he had never kissed anyone before.

Harry started stabbing himself mentally for ever suggesting this.

"We just started dating last week." Harry said, squeezing Niall's hand. Niall wasn't sure if Harry was trying to be reassuring, or if he was doing it to let him know that he was pissed off about being dragged into this situation.

"You guys are totally lying." Zayn laughed, giving them both looks.

"No." Niall argued.

"Whatever Niall. You know that Harry's not your type anyways, you're too good for him." Zayn said smugly. Harry swore that he would deck this guy if he didn't shut up.

"That's bullshit Zayn and you know it." Niall sneered. As much as Niall was annoyed by Zayn, Zayn knew about Niall's self-confidence level, just from the coversations they had.

"Ni, you are too good for him. Look at him." Zayn gestured to a cross Harry.

Harry had heard enough of this guys harrasment and decided to just get this bet over with.

He used his free hand to turn Niall's head to face him. Slowly, he leaned in and caught Niall's lips on his own.

To say that Niall was shocked would be an understatement.

They stayed like that for a few moments, lips barely moving but still in sync.

Niall would be lying if he said that he didn't throughly enjoy this.

Harry pulled back, looking into Niall's eyes for a second before turning back to Zayn, who was staring at the two like they just fucked on the counter.

"Oh." Zayn said.

"Well Niall, I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Liam said, walking beside Niall and clapping him on the back.

"Me neither." Niall whispered.

As far as first kisses go, Niall decided that this one was the best.



[narry kiss (:]

[your gonna love me next chapter hahahaha]


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[whats your guys favorite song on four? mine is spaces]

[all the love, kaleyxxx]

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