xviii. a ziam story of irony

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[xviii. a ziam story of irony]

[mostly ziam chapter you're welcome]

Liam paced the ER, his heart beating rapidly and his mind stopping completely, the only thoughts seeping through were about Zayn.

Zayn. His boyfriend of three days, 12 minutes, 27 seconds and counting. Liam felt like he couldn't breathe, like his body wouldn't be able to function without Zayn. He couldn't believe how attached he was to this boy, but he couldn't help it. He'd loved Zayn forever, and now that Zayn was finally his, he might be gone.

"Li!" Someone shouted, running through the waiting room. Niall and Harry's shoes squeaked loudly once they skidded to a stop in front of the nerve-stricken boy; earning a few dirty looks from neighboring patients.

"Guys. This is bad. Really bad." Liam said, his voice catching in his throat. Zayn was his everything. His whole life revolved around Zayn. He simply would die without Zayn. Period.

"Shh. Don't assume the worst. Did they already diagnose it?" Harry comforted, surprising Niall immensely. He was about to say something similar because he guessed that Harry wouldn't really be reassuring, but he proved Niall wrong.

"N-no. There testing him now. They said it most likely wasn't cancer, but the signs were there." Liam said, holding Zayn's necklace in his hand tightly. Zayn had been told to take it off before going for testing, because of the metal. The memory from early brought fresh tears to Liam's puppy-dog like eyes.

☹☻before Zayn was taken for testing.☹☻

"Sir, we need to take Mr.Malik in for testing. Will you sign this waver?" The doctor said. She had grey hair and light blue, sympathetic eyes. She had seen couples split up in hospitals before for various reasons; testing being the most mundane; but something about this couple made her smile, she thought they were perfect for each other. But that wasn't something she was allowed to say; hospital rules of course.

"T-testing? What type of t-testing. Like l-lab testing?" Liam asked nervously, his voice quivering.

"No-" The nurse bit her lip to hold back a smile, but then remembered the news she had to deliver. " No, I'm afraid not. It's just a few tests, I suppose they're like lab testing, but not the kind I assume your thinking of. We need to get a few pictures of his stomach lining and a blood sample, just to make sure that there isn't a tumor. I highly doubt there is, he seems skinny enough, and a tumor would produce an abnormal mole. Do you have any newly formed moles son?" The doctor asked Zayn, who lifted up his shirt revealing his stunning abs. If they weren't under the current circumstances, Liam would have drooled. But instead, he was fussily checking Zayn for any weird abnormalities.

"I don't see anything." Liam said, feeling a slight bit more reassured. The doctor noticed this and decided not to add in that an odd mole was only one of the common symptoms.

"Good. That's very good." She said, nodding her head approvingly. She could see that the boy with soft eyes cared an awful lot for her patient. She could feel the boys nervousness for his love from her spot in front of the bed, and wanted nothing more than to deliver good news. But she couldn't do that unless they got the tests done.

"Mr.Malik, would you mind removing your necklace and any other jewelry you might have on?" She asked. Zayn nodded and feebly took the yin-yang necklace he always wore off. He kissed it lightly before handing it up to Liam, who's eyes were spilling over with tears at the gesture.

"I'm going to be fine love. Don't worry about me. I'm strong. And so are you, ok? Be strong for me." Zayn said softly, indicating for Liam to lean down. He placed his hands on either side of Liam's face and kissed his plump lips softly, causing Liam to nearly fall apart. But he had to be strong for his Zayn. His cocky, cheeky, son of a bitch flirt. His heart. His wonderwall.

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