xiv. dirty little secrets

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[xiv. dirty little secrets]

"You slept with him?" Liam shouted, causing Niall to nearly fall off of his perch on the counter.

"Shh. No we didn't sleep together." Niall said, shushing Liam to keep him from alerting Louis.

"Then what do you call sleeping on top of someone?"

"I call it cuddling." Niall huffed, crossing his arms. He frowned and a small pout appeared on his lips. Liam laughed, and pinched his cheek.

Little did both of them know, Louis was sitting in his office, fuming.

"What does he see in that prick?" Louis growled to himself, flinging the coffee mug on his desk across the room. He flinched as it shattered against his door. Louis never understood what drew Niall to Harry and vice-versa. "Nothing makes sense anymore." He whispered, banging his head repeatedly on his desk. He continued this repetition until finally, and idea came to him.

But this idea was awful. It was one that would make any normal person shy away and determine it 'too much.' Louis's plan was devious, twisted, and positively sick. It could only be thought up by the most sinister of people, but Louis could finally uncover the truth about Niall to keep Harry away from him

Out of love, of course.

Louis grinned evily to himself as he pulled out his sleek laptop, sitting it on his polished desk pointedly. His fingers raced across his keyboard, typing the Irish lads name into Google. His grin only grew as record after record popped up. Including jail dates, court hearings, sentences, and news articles. Louis knew that he had hit the jackpot as he scrolled through the hundreds of search results.

"Your mine now." He whispered, smirking that corrupted smile of his.

"He's fucked up." Liam whispered from the other side of Louis's closed door.

"Seriously." Niall whispered, watching Louis smile creepily at his computer screen.

"I bet you 20 that he's getting off." Josh whispered, scaring the shit out of both Liam and Niall.

"Josh! Your not hungover!" Liam said, rushing over to hug his cousin.

"Surprise, I'm not an alcoholic!" Josh said sarcastically. Niall snickered as the trio went back to work on another endless Tuesday.

"At the rate we're going at now, we're gonna be out of a job within a week." Liam commented on the stores emptiness.

"Nah. Louis's daddy has plenty of money to keep his son well paid. Which means we get to keep our minimum wage!" Niall said, faking happiness.

"Yay." Both of the other two boys said grimly.

"Whoa there, try not to act too excited." Niall joked, taking a drink of his water. Liam laughed.

"Hey Josh! Our little Irish cupcake here got laid last night!" Liam said randomly. Josh's eyes went wide with pride.

"Yeah Niall! Get it!" Josh cheered, causing Niall to choke on his water spasticly. Once his airway was unobstructed once again, he blushed madly and glared at Liam.

"I.Did.Not.Get.Laid." Niall stated slowly as if he was talking to a small unenglish speaking child.

"Your mouth says no but your arse says yes." Liam said, smacking Niall's bum playfully, causing him to jump and squeak in surprise.

"Liam! He's still tender." Josh scolded jokingly.

"Why do you guy assume that I bottomed?" Niall asked cheekily.

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