~•🌿Chapter 6🌿•~

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"M-MudClaw!" You meowed surprised, your fur raised in fear as the tabby stepped closer.

"You should of know that I would of found you sooner or later," MudClaw snarled, "and now you have become mates with that fox-heart."

You hissed at him and unsheathed your claws, "he is not a Fox-heart! He's a wonderful cat."

"Whatever!" MudClaw spat, "your coming back to WindClan, you should've been my mate."

He leaped at you pinning you down, he went to grab your scruff until some cat was heard, "get away from her!"

You saw BrokenTail leap onto MudClaw and clawed his muzzle, you lifted yourself up, your mate standing in front of you defensive MudClaw snarled ready to attack again, until BlackFoot and ClawFace cane to your aid too.

"Leave her alone MudClaw!" Clawface meowed, "she's none of your concern anymore."

MudClaw sighed in defeat but kept his gaze on you, to which BrokenTail snarled at. "Well I'll get my way, I will get what I want." MudClaw then left, you and the three toms stayed their until he was out of view.

"Are you ok?" BrokenTail mewed, you nuzzled him lovingly.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you." You turned towards ClawFace and BlackFoot, "thank you for coming to my aid too."

"Let's get back before Yellowfang starts fretting over you again," BlackFoot meowed, Clawface purred in amusement.

"She said that your safety is huge, she's like a mother to you," Clawface said as he left for camp with BlackFoot, you and BrokenTail followed them, your pelts touching.

As soon as you entered camp, Raggedstar leaped from the clan rock, "what happened?"

"MudClaw attacked me, saying that I should be in WindClan until BrokenTail, ClawFace and BlackFoot came to my aid."

"Yeah, YellowFang was wondering were she was, so she told us to go and see if Y/W/N was ok," BlackFoot meowed, you saw Raggedstar glared at YellowFang, who was sat near the medicine den.

"Well we will keep an eye on the ThunderPath, was it just MudClaw?" You nodded and Raggedstar growled, "I will tell everyone tomorrow at sunrise to keep an eye out. Now go and get some rest you four."

You, BrokenTail, BlackFoot and Clawface left for the warriors den. BlackFoot and Clawface laid in their nests and immediately fell asleep, you and BrokenTail crouched in your nests, which were really close to each other, quickly nuzzled each other before falling asleep.

The next day, you woke up early you saw BrokenTail still asleep so you decided to try and wake him up, you swiftly licked his cheek which caused him to open his eyes, "is it time to get up already? Y/W/N it's not even sunrise."

You rolled your eyes playfully and bounced out of your nest, "well I though of going for an early walk," you mewed, beckoning BrokenTail to follow you by flicking your tail.

The tabby mumbled under his breath before standing up and following you out of camp, the two of you went to sit near the Burn sycamore, "So why did you want to go out of camp?"

"I wanted to ask you something," you murmured, BrokenTail tilted his head, "do you really care for me that much?"

BrokenTail stared into your eyes, "of course I do! You care for me like a mother so I should care your you too." He licked the top of your head, causing you to purr.

"It's just that, with my mother leaving me when I was a kit and my father and litter mates passing away from GreenCough, I thought nobody cared for me, and now with MudClaw it's scaring me."

BrokenTail brought you closer to him and nuzzled your cheek, you nuzzled into his warm fluffy chest, After a moment of silence, you looked up at BrokenTail. He smiled warmly at you, "don't be silly, I care for you more than anything, and I will always protect you."


You and BrokenTail entered camp to see RaggedStar on the clan rock with your clan mates sat around, the turned his attention to you and his son, "were have you two been?"

BrokenTail follows his eyes, "we were just out for an early walk, nothing else."

RaggedStar gave a questionable look but smirked, "alright lovebirds, come and sit so we can start this meeting." The rest of the clan smiled at what RaggedStar had called you and BrokenTail, plus it was easy to tell that the two of you were mates. "So last night, we found a WindClan warrior on our territory."

The clan grew angry from this, some turned to you, some cats do know about MudClaw being obsessive and abusive. "What are we going to do?" BrightFlower asked.

"We can only keep an eye out, if this WindClan warrior starts anything then we will do something, clan dismissed."

~•Another TimeSkip•~

A few day had passed and you started feeling...different, sometimes you felt fine however you sometimes felt sick so you never ate, many of your clanmates started to notice, especially BrokenTail.

You were laid down next to BrokenTail in camp, he was eating a frog however you didn't join in, BrokenTail stopped eating and looked at you concerned, "What?" You mewed.

"You haven't been acting like your usual self, are you alright? You need to see YellowFang?"

You shook your head, "n-no, I'm fine."

"Well too bad." You look up to see YellowFang above you, "your going to the medicine den wether you like it or not."

You grumbled under your breath and followed her, BrokenTail close behind. "How long has this been going on for?" Yellowfang asked as she sat down, BrokenTail sat at the entrance of the medicine den, and you sat in the middle of the den.

"Well if I can remember it's been happening for a few days now, ever since I went for a walk with BrokenTail."

Yellowfang shot her ears up in surprise, "right, just lie down in one of the moss nests and I'll check you."

You gave a slight nod and laid down in the closest nest on your side, YellowFang then placed a paw on your flank, she was lost in thought for a moment, BrokenTail looked at her in worry.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, YellowFang shook her head.

"Not at all, your going to have kits," YellowFang mewed, you caught some excitement in her voice.

BrokenTail stared at you in awe and smiled, tears forming in his eyes, he padded over to you a nuzzled you affectionately, "this is the happiest day of my life!"

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