The Heart wants what it wants

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The hooded person smiled, twirling the knife between those bony fingers.

The young woman was frantically slithering on the ground, her mouth stuffed with a handkerchief, her hands cuffed. She let out muffled cries of plea ,accompanied with a lot of ugly crying.

"I'm sorry, it's gonna hurt a bit."

The pale woman could now see the hooded figure advancing towards her, the blade of the knife glistening under the moonlight, her cries grew more teary and desperate as the person came close.

"Farewell, little bird, but know that you are dying for a cause." the hooded person whispered in the woman's ear and stabbed her in the chest.

A painful scream filled the empty alley , the muffled screams slowed down with each second, blending with the deadly silence of the night.


"What is the update on the case, Doctor", the police officer who had just arrived at the crime scene inquired.

"The body of the victim is mutilated and disemboweled, the heart and the small intestine have been ripped out, the slits are pretty neat it seems like a work of some professional. "

The officer looked at the body that was being searched for evidence thoroughly by the forensic team. The face of the young woman was untouched, there were no sign of forced brutality, it seemed she was cuffed up without much protest. Her upper body although, was a horrendous mess, multiple unrecognizable organs spilling out from her slashed abdomen.

The officer beckoned his junior colleague "Circulate the pictures of the victim in the local newspapers, and send the body safely to the morgue after the further postmortem is done, although i doubt  there would be a need for that. " he said taking a final look at the disfigured mess.

"Yes Sir, will do, also there was a call we received at the station earlier someone wanted to talk to you discretely about something , the woman seemed really panicked and i thought maybe she wanted your help so i gave her your number, did u receive any call tonight?"

"When did she call at the station ?"

"A few hours back, sir"

The officer took out his cellphone from his pocket , he had numerous missed calls from a certain number "Crap! It's been on silent this whole time."

He dialed the number, a woman picked up after a few rings "Hello, how may i help u, Mam?"

"Hector, it's me Susan,  I think i might have some news about what happened tonight. "

"Well it has already taken place, Suzy. Where are you , how have u been and how do you know about this?"

"I arrived  Manhattan in the morning for a client's work. Can we meet up? I have to tell you about something?"

"Sure, let's meet tomorrow , i'll pick you up, text me the details"

A guard came running towards the officer out of breath.
"Sir! sir! another case of homicide has been reported just now by a passerby, a few blocks away there is another mutilated body in the alley behind the dumpster!"

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