You steal the air out of my lungs

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The night seemed like it would never end, two gruesome crimes were too much for anyone to comprehend.

Hector, reached the scene with a part of his team the victim this time was a man who seemed to be in his late twenties, his face was the only part the moon was shining on in that dark alley.
Hector pulled on his rubber gloves and moved towards the corpse, the smell of blood  was too prominent it tingled the hair in his nose and also the ones on his arms, he went closer and an inaudible gasp came out from his mouth.

The man's chest was torn wide apart, the place where the lungs should have been was empty, the rib cages that were supposed to protect the lungs were broken symmetrically and the heart was dangling between them.
After a moment of utter shock and  silence, the forensic team started searching the body for further investigation.
The dread and horror was clearly visible on everyone's face, while they continued to search the dumpster for any kind of tools or weapon.

After a while, the doctor went up to the officer "The blood is still fresh seems like the person took their time with this victim."
" I think the blind spot   helped the person stall time without catching someone's eye. The killer had planned everything beforehand." The officer said while he took out his gloves to make a quick call to his chief.

After reporting to his superiors Hector had decided to meet up with Susan, his cousin he hadn't seen in years.

Although, he was still hung up on what he had seen last night, the case was a huge one and he still had no leads or witness whatsoever, they found no clues of DNA or footprints at the sight of incident.
Neither did they find any signs of a murder weapon.

"Hey there cuz", Susan said gently placing her hand on his shoulder, breaking his train of thoughts.
Hector turned around, to greet her.
"Suzy it's been years!, Here have a seat " he pulled out a chair for her and sat down in the chair opposite from her.
He remembered seeing her last at her husband's funeral, five years back, after that they were never in touch with each other.
She had aged twice the time she was supposed to, since then
Her eyes had dark circles underneath, her cheekbones sunken, she looked so  pale and fragile.

"How has life been treating you Susan, I haven't heard anything from you since Mark died."

He felt Susan jolt in her seat, " It's been a rough five years Hector."
"I can understand, what you must've went through" Hector said comfortingly.
"Well , Mark's not gone, he's still with us you know, I still feel his presence." Susan said with a hint of excitement in her eyes.
Hector, was never interested in her psychic tendencies but he had no option other than letting it go.
" So Susan, what was that call about last night, what do you about these homicides?"
She frantically searched around as if she was trying trying to spot someone secretly listening to them.
"Hector, I know it might seem crazy to you but I have had dreams about the incidents that took place in Manhattan, yesterday. I was trying to shake of them as a fragment of my dreams, but when I heard about the incident on the news last night, I knew I had to call you up."

Hector, who had been eager to find clues , something to kickstart the case sunk back on his chair, he was not sure how this would be of any help to the case.
His head was too wound up to actually hear any of the psychic talks now, but he didn't want to sound rude to Susan after what she'd been through.
With a heavy sigh, he moved closer to the table " Do you remember something from your dream that would help me further in the case."
"I...I don't know it's all hazy, I only remember blur shapes and figures now, but did u find any clues in the notes left behind?"
"Notes? What notes??, there were no notes left behind"
"I..I m so sorry, I have no idea why I recall a person folding bits of paper", Susan said nervously through soft sobs.
"I am sorry, maybe i should have never talked about this."
"It's alright, you don't need to stress about it, here" he said handing her some tissue.
Hector's phone started to ring, it was his colleague ,
" I am sorry, I have to take this." he said while he got up from his chair.
"Hello, Derek what's the update"
" Sir, the bodies were sent for postmortem , something weird has come up."
"What is it" Hector asked with growing concern.
"Sir, both bodies had a small slit on their lower back only the upper epithelial layer has been cut carefully so that it would not result in a wound and no bleeding..."
"And, those creepy slit pockets had a note in them"
"Yes sir, the woman's body had a note saying "The Heart wants what it wants" and the man's body had a note saying "You steal the breath away from my lungs", seems like the sicko is leaving some lines straight out of a cheesy book, regarding the oragns that are being taken from the victim"
"Twisted bastard" Hector said while he turned around to look at Susan,who was still wiping her face with tissues
He might need her help after all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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