Book 2- Chapter 11

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Tents are already being pulled up outside. I don't know why we are sleeping outside the comfort of our soft beds.

I go towards the end where snacks are kept. I volunteered to help out there. So kind of me.
I take a plate from the rack and fill it with crackers.

"Hey" Jonah says coming towards me. I smile as a way of responding as I take my first bite. "Where have you been lately. You're always no where to be found"

I start thinking of a lie but I guess I'll just stick to.. "I just walked around. Yunno..enjoying nature" I say. It's just a white lie.

I try to read his expression to see if he believed me but he just shrugs it off. "Okay. Erm..we are about to start the s'mores at the erm other end. Shall we?" He says opening his arms for me to take. He sounded nervous and unsure which is weird.

I intertwine my arm with his and follow him. "I can't believe you guys started without me." I say taking an already roasted marshmallow from Ben's hand.

"Swiper no swiping" he whines and we all laugh. "Too late" I say with a smirk on my face putting it in my mouth. It immediately melts, yummy.

"The first event we're having is a karaoke!"
Isabella says yelling to the microphone. "If you're interested just come up and grab the microphone." She finishes.

A guy comes up and starts singing. "Why don't we go and sing" Jonah whispers to my ears. His breath on my skin makes me freeze. Being so close to a guy like this can make my brain go numb.

"Erm no thanks. I don't sing" I manage to say.
"Me neither. It'll be fun."

I have never sang in front of family or friends, talk less of a crowd of people. I know it isn't exactly a crowd but leave it to me to exaggerate. "Please" Why is he so persistent. "I'll sing with you. A duet" he continues coming closer. Why does he keep on coming closer?!

"Okay fine." I say pulling away. As we get to the small stage that was set up, everyone's eyes where on us, on me.

I don't think I'll be able to even utter a word from my mouth. I think all I need to do is to look for a face i'm comfortable with and sing to that person.

I look towards my friends. They're all smiling to encourage us but I didn't see the comfort I needed. I kept searching and then I saw Mrs Rivers, oops. I looked in another direction till I saw the pair of grey eyes deep down I was looking for. It belonged to Adrian. He turned a little and we locked eyes. He gave me a small smile, just what I needed.

When Jonah started singing, I joined him. I know that since it's a duet I'm meant to be looking into his own eyes but I saw something more beautiful to look at. What's wrong with me?!

We finish singing and Jonah says something to the microphone and everyone gasped. I didn't hear him at first, my eyes still locked with Adrian but something flickered in his eyes. Sadness? Envy? Jealousy? I couldn't really tell. "Would you be my girlfriend?" Jonah says again.

Wait..What?! That was so unexpected. I find him attractive but I only have friendly feelings towards him. But then I can't disgrace him in front of all our class mates.

I've never dated anyone apart from Richard and I didn't plan to. But maybe that's what I need to do. Maybe Richard thought cause he's the only guy I've dated he can mess with me. Think again mister.

"Yes" I say and he hugs me. Suddenly I start thinking of Adrian. I pull out of the hug and look for him. The only thing I saw in his eyes was anger before he stood up and left.

My first instinct was to run after him. But why should I do that? He's just a friend and now, I have a boyfriend. I sigh and walk to my seat.

"You look sad" Bianca says to me so I fake a smile to avoid question. "Are you okay?" Jonah asks me wrapping his shoulders around me.

It felt comfortable and cold at the same time. I couldn't help but think if I was in Adrian's arms instead. "Umm yeah" I reply.

All through the night, I kept on looking around to see him but I didn't. He'll probably sleep over at Isla's or something. But why was he angry?

It's either because of his problems with his brother or because... Who am I kidding, it's the first.

"I'll just go and get a drink" I say and stand up, heading towards the snacks table. "Well..well..well" Richard says, following me.

"What do you want?"

"Why don't we go out" he says with a smirk on his face I don't mind wiping off with my fist. He comes closer, placing his wet lips on my cheek. Just before I'm about to hit him he falls down and I see Adrian.

"Keep your hands and lips to yourself" He says to Richard. I wasn't expecting him to fight for me. I was about to ask him where he's been but he walks away. Not again. This time around I follow him.

"Why are you acting weird?" I ask him and he doesn't reply and keeps on walking. "Did I do something wrong?" I say and I stop following him.

He stops in his tracks too and turns around. "Isn't dating my brother wrong enough?" He says. How is it wrong?

"You don't know the kind of person your boyfriend is" and with that he walks away. What was that suppose to mean? Is that a threat or a tip? I guess I'll just have to find out myself.

I head back to the snacks table and help myself out. Behind the bushes, I see Richard and his bruised face making out with a girl. Not just a girl, it's one of Isa's friends.

How can you be cheating on your girlfriend with her friend. I pull out my phone and take a picture not sure what I'll do with the picture yet.

My phone battery is 4% and I hope it'll still be alive when I've figured out what to do with it. Bianca and Vicky needs to know about it first.

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