Chapter 15

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Lunch break

2nd person's point of view:

The bell rang indicating it's lunch time. Students from their respective clubs are starting pour out, leaving few students in your classroom - including you.

You were meaning to return the books that you lent from the library when Kai approaches you.

"(Your name)," the ravenette calls on your name, bringing your attention to him. You have noticed a bruise on the side of his lip.

Waiting for him to speak further, you stood there whilst looking at him in confusion, "Are you okay? Does your head still hurts?" he asked with a concern tone.

You gave him a nod and smiled, "Yeah, it's not that bad," you assure him.

There's a long pause of awkward silence until Kai muster up his courage to break the ice, "I heard about what happened this morning," he breathed out.

"I know. I'm sorry about what my dad did," you mumbled apologetically.

Kai is flustered, "N-No! Why are you apologizing?" he let out a nervous chuckle, "I should be thanking you and Killua," he smiled genuinely at you.


"I tried numbers of times to stop my father. But after what you both did, I guarantee he'll cease from doing such illegal acts," he explains, his first sentence made you raise your brow at him in suspicion.

"I see. May I ask where you get that from?" you asked in curiosity, pointing on the side of your own lip.

"Ah this. I'd rather not say," Kai chuckles nervously, touching the bruise part on the corner of his lip.

He hissed in pain when he accidentally pressed the bruise with his finger.

Startled, "Idiot, d-don't touch it," you chided, instantly grabbing his wrist to prevent him from touching his bruise again.

You released his wrist, "You should head to the school's nurse. That looks bad," you suggests as you look at him in concern.

"You t-think so? Agh... I probably should. See you later then, (Your name)," Kai smiles, turning on his heels and about to walk away when...

"Kai," you called up to him, making him stop at his tracks. He then turn his head to you, waiting for what you're going to say.

"Thank you," you utter with a smile.

Kai gave you a happy grin in return, then proceeded his way out the room.

Kai's selflessness makes him differ from the rest of his family. Like a blooming flower in a bed full of wilted ones.

By the looks of it, he probably got the bruise earlier. It is still fresh and hasn't been treated immediately which made it noticeable.

"I tried numbers of times to stop my father,"

Upon remembering Kai's words from earlier, you were a bit worried thinking he probably got the bruise from his father.

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