𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟕

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Something you need to know:
Your hero name is Aquii.

Sorry for the slow update!

"These guys just want to slow us down. Go on, I can handle them myself." Tamaki started to say. You wanted to stay with him.

"No, Tamaki. If you're gonna stay, I'm gonna stay too." Before anything happened, Eraserhead erased the villain's quirk. The villains had nothing to do but use weapons. 'How pathetic.' You thought.

As the villains started to keep rambling, Tamaki started to fight back. You didn't know how to help.

Tamaki noticed that you guys were still there. "I can take on these three guys. You guys go. I can handle this myself." Kirishima didn't let him go just yet.

"Hold on, suneater!-" Tamaki cut him off before he could change his mind. "It's not smart for all of us to fight. You guys go. Now. Aquii, I don't want you to get hurt." You didn't let him go either. You weren't gonna just let him fight by himself. For the first time in a long time, you started to doubt everything. 'If I leave him alone by himself, he's gonna die!' All these thoughts ran like a circle in your head. Tamaki looked back at you while the others started to run.

"You need to go! I can't watch you get hurt!" Tamaki yelled back. While he was looking, you punched your fist above your chest to show him that you were confident. "Tamaki, listen. No matter how much you try, I'm not gonna leave. I'm going to help you. Hear me out. I get that you don't want me to get hurt, but it's most likely that I'm going to get hurt anyway. If I die, I'd rather die with you." (I'm sorry this sounds so cliché—)

Tamaki gave up on trying to make you go back. Although he was very worried, he trusted you just like you trusted him.

Tamaki had them all locked up. You couldn't really use the water side of your quirk, because then it would make it much easier for them to slip out. Until suddenly..


One of them got out and hurt Tamaki. They started to go on with their words until all of them broke out.

"Tamaki!" You yelled. You used your water and bubble quirk at the same time. First you put water inside the bubble, and without thinking, you threw it at one of the villains. You tried to defend Tamaki as much as possible. You didn't really think it would work because he had a knife and could easily cut it open, so you just shut your eyes and got prepared for damage for you to take while defending Tamaki. You could feel the guy with the Crystal quirk come at you, as if he was going to hurt you. Tamaki jumped in front of you so you wouldn't get hurt, until you felt a moisture-like feeling around you guys.

"Wh- (y/n), how did you do that?!" Tamaki looked directly at you.

"Do wha-" you opened your eyes to discover a water force field around you guys. You put your arms down. 'Wha.. wait.. how did I do that?' You thought. The villains started to get really irritated because now they couldn't hurt you. You didn't know how long this was going to last.

"Whatever. It's made of water, so it's surely not going to be strong at all!" The guy with the crystal quirk quickly broke through, and slashed his crystals right through Tamaki's chest. It didn't cut him open, but he started to spit out blood. It was that bad. Your eyes started to water. You didn't know what to do. Your tears fell to the ground as you looked at the floor.

"How stupid. This girl can't even save her boyfriend from us, huh? Y'know Aquii, we've heard a lot about you. How you enroll in U.A. how you participated in the sports festival and almost beat Tokoyami to third place. How pathetic your quirk used to be. How it's getting stronger. If you really want to save your little suneater, nows your chance to join the league of villains~! Actually, never mind. We wouldn't want someone as weak as you are-"

"And that's why you don't want to mess with me. I'm just getting started." You said. You felt the temptations run up to your face. It felt like your blood was boiling hotter than fire. You put your head up and your eyes were glowing white. The temperature of the water of your quirk was changing. It started to get hotter and hotter, until you finally used your quirk on them.

"How does it feel having a burnt face?" You said. (No offense Todoroki I'm sorry-) you started to feel really, really dizzy. 'This feeling must be the downside of my quirk," you thought. Your legs started to tremble, and you noticed you had huge cuts and scars all over you. You started to fall without being able to control yourself, and Tamaki put you on his back to get you out of there. He made sure that the villains were locked up for good. He brought you to a place where no one could find the both of you. It seems like he had some healing items with him. He set you down up before you could pass out from the pain.

"Hey.. (y/n), are you okay?" He looked at you directly in the eyes. He started to bandage the cuts that were all over your body. It was feeling better.

"Tamaki.. I'm sorry if I was a distraction to you.. I should've  listened to you like you said." You felt as if it was your fault. You never ever felt this way until now.

"Of course not! What do you mean? You basically just saved me from getting badly hurt back there. I have a huge scar on me from when he stabbed me, but I got that taken care of." Tamaki was worried about you still. You felt uneasy, but smiled at him. Tamaki hugged you. You felt blood rushing up to your head. 'What is this feeling?' You thought. Could it be that..

You like him?
Wait, what were you thinking? That's not it at all! ..right?

You hugged him back. Tamaki helped you speed walk to try to find fatgum and the others.

Aaaaaah I'm so sorry for the slow updates! Online school is getting the best of me- I'm going to keep updating though so don't worry!

words: 1096

Tamaki Amajiki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now