𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟐

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Today was the concert for your class. You could get really nervous at times, but you brushed it off. It was a concert and you're meant to have fun, right?
That thought was still in the back of your head though.

..about Urisaka and Amajiki.
You knew what Mirio told you, but you still weren't sure yet. What did he mean? What was the purpose of that? You were lost in your thoughts, until Mina came running up to you.

"Hey! Hey! Heyyy!" She was trying to get your attention, because you were a bit far away.
(And if you really want to know what that was for, yes I pulled a Haikyuu reference with bokuto. I couldn't help myself I'm-)

You turned around to see Ashido running up to you.
"Oh, hey Mina! What is it?"
"Yes, I know ahah."
"I'm so excited!! What about you, y/n?" She was smiling and had a happy tone in her voice.

"Oh, well I guess I'm excited too. Just a little nervous, haha-"
Mina put her hands on her hips. "Oh c'mon, don't be shy! Most of the people watching will be our school anyway. There's nothing to worry about!"

"Yeah, I guess."
You decided to go to your dorm and call Nejire before you got ready, because you knew that she was super happy for you and wanted to know everything. She was a bit nosy, but you loved her anyway. On your way there, you looked outside the window and saw Urisaka and Amajiki. Your mood lowered when you saw them, but you decided to sneak around the corner to see what they were talking about. You tried to hide the best you could.
"Listen, Amajiki, I..."

"What is it, U-urisaka?"

"..I like you. I've liked you for a very long time now, actually.. and I was wondering.. ..do you want to date me?"

Amajiki was silent for a second.

"O-oh, I-.."
"..I would love to date you, Urisaka..!"
Urisaka jumped up in joy, and Hugged amajiki as hard as she could.

Of course, you were feeling the complete opposite. It felt like someone stabbed you. You gasped with tears in your eyes, and ran away. That caused Amajiki to see you, which made him panic in return. You hid your face as you ran down the halls, covering yourself in the scarf that Mina gave you a little while ago for your birthday. You decided you weren't gonna call Nejire, because of the way you were feeling. You sat there on your phone inside your dorm until it was time to get ready.


It was time for you to get ready for the class concert. You put on the uniform that Toru gave you, and re-did your hair and makeup. You wiped your tears so that no one would notice. You were starting to cry again until someone knocked on the door. You rubbed your eyes again, walking up to the door to see who it was. Of course it was Nejire.

"Hey! What's up?"


"Why are your eyes red? Are you okay?"

It was sorta funny how she never gave anyone a chance to talk, but now wasn't the time for that. You tried your best to keep a smile on your face, but it was hard. Your eyes were already watering while Nejire stared at you, observing the complete mess in front of her eyes. At this point, you were practically crying. You hugged her in tears, even though she had no idea what was going on.

"(Y/n), is everything alright? What happened?!" She was in complete shock.

"It's hard for me to explain, but... Urisaka confessed to Amajiki and I don't know what to do.."

Nejire got worried about you. "Well, what happened?"

The more you explained everything, the more you started to cry. Your makeup was smeared and looked drastic. Nejire kneeled down and hugged you, already knowing what was happening. She noticed how messy your makeup was.

"Hey, (y/n).. we still have about 1 hour until your concert starts, why don't I do your makeup? I'll make it look spectacular, trust me."

"A-are you sure?.. don't you have to do something? Like go to class?" You didn't want to be the reason she skipped.

"I'll be fine. Besides, I've missed class before and the teacher let me go. I'm sure the same will happen again." She smiled.

"Oh, alright. If you say so."

She pulled your bangs back for a bit, and started doing your makeup. She was really good at it if you didn't know already, and it looks better than what you put on your face. After she was done, you gasped at such a great job she did.

"Oh my god, Nejire, you never told me you were sooo good at this! Thank you so so much, you don't know how grateful I am!" You kept looking in the mirror, surprised at how she did it so well. Your reaction flattered her.

"Oh, it's nothing! You do look very pretty! I'm glad I could help, and if you want I can teach you how to do it like that sometime!"

Your eyes lit up. "Yes, please do! I appreciate the thought, thank you so much!" Both of you were very happy, until you noticed the time. You had 5 minutes before the concert, so you and Nejire ran as fast as you could. You quickly ran up behind stage while Nejire joined the crowd.

Everyone looked very confused. "Hey, y/n is here now! But where's midoriya? I don't see him anywhere." Kirishima sighed while saying so. It seemed like the whole class was waiting on Izuku. Huh.

Words: 961

Tamaki Amajiki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now