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Find peace
The nightmare will be waiting when you wake
So savor your reprieve.


“Do you have your classes today?” Jungkook asked the younger male who gripped onto his shirt and snuggled closer to him.

It was around 7'o clock in the morning when the alarm went off, waking up the elder male who was sleeping with his precious mate caged securely between his arms.

“mhm, today is Wednesday so yeah...” the omega replied groggily, almost ready to drift back to sleep while the alpha admired his beautiful mate.

A part of him felt proud and content to see his mate comfortable in his arms.

“So you need to wake up,” the alpha whispered, placing one hand between Taehyung's exposed thighs as he started inching it closer to the omega's crotch. “or we can just stay in bed.”

“I'm awake!” the flustered beauty immediately got up from the bed and rushed towards the bathroom, leaving his alpha behind laughing at his adorable reaction.

As soon as Taehyung got out of the bathroom after completing his morning rituals, he was met with a shirtless Jungkook who was smiling at himself while placing some clothes on the bed.

After putting the clothes on bed, Jungkook looked up at his mate who was standing shyly by the doorframe of the bathroom in nothing but a bathrobe.

“Baby, come here,” He spoke softy as he could sense that his omega was shy. The alpha gestured him to look on the clothes that were placed on the bed before backhugging Taehyung's small frame.

At first Taehyung's body was stiff but slowly relaxed when Jungkook placed his hands on top of Taehyung's soft ones and rubbed circles on the back of his palms.

“you'll wear this.” there on the bed laid a pair of white jeans with a baby blue oversized shirt, vertical white stripes printed on it.

“y-yes,” Taehyung answered shyly, feeling his alpha's hot breath fanning over his exposed neck.

“yes,what?” Jungkook growled, interlacing their fingers.

“yes, alpha?” Taehyung answered unsure.

“good, now get dressed.” Jungkook gave a quick peck on Taehyung's temple before untangling their fingers and making his way towards the bathroom to get ready for office.


“I'll pick you up at exactly 4pm,” Taehyung and Jungkook were currently sitting inside of Jungkook's car, right in front of Taehyung's university.

He reached over to Taehyung's hand that was clutching the material of his bag pack which was placed on his lap and brought it up to his lips, pecking the soft skin before saying, “ i'll be waiting at the back gate because it gets crowded when I wait outside of the front gate.” The ravenette sighed, pushing his long hair back while remembering the first day when he came to meet Taehyung and how everyone crowded in front of him, making him feel suffocated.

Taehyung nodded in return and was about to get out of the car when Jungkook pulled him into a long passionate kiss before releasing him and glaring at his neck.

Unbutton.” he growled, hands travelling up to the collar of Taehyung's shirt which was buttoned up till the top, hiding the mark.

Taehyung hurriedly unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt before mumbling out a soft 'done'. Jungkook gently tugged on the collar so that the mark was visible for other unmated alpha's.

“Such a good boy,” he took Taehyung's hands in his and gently placed kisses on the knuckles of each hand causing the beauty to giggle shyly.

“Have a great day at work, alpha.” and with that said, Taehyung got out of the car as Jungkook watched him walking inside his campus, glaring at anyone who took a second look at his mate.

He was about to drive away when his eyes caught Taehyung talking to another guy. He noticed how Taehyung's hand travelled upto his collar and hid the mark while talking to the male infront of him.

The alpha gripped on the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. To say that he was furious was an understatement.

Are you ashamed of me?” the alpha said through gritted teeth as his eyes bore holes at the sight of his mate happily chatting with other male while hiding his mark.


I feel like I don't satisfy you guys so I'm scared to update but your comments cheer me up.
Thank you for staying with me, love you guys.

++kinda losing my motivation to write, idk.

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