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You cut me open
And it's draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I'll be wearing these scars, for everyone to see.


After getting out of the car, Taehyung started walking towards his University campus. His mark was on full display resulting the other students to gawk at him, making him feel uncomfortable.

He didn't like the attention. 

He was walking with his head hung low before he heard someone calling his name. He turned his head towards the direction of the source of the voice and was met with one of his seniors, Park Bogum.

Park Bogum was a mateless alpha who was different from the rest of the alphas, calm and composed

Taehyung and Bogum met for the first time in an empty classroom where Taehyung was taking down his notes while humming to a tune without any student bothering him. Bogum happened to be passing by that classroom, stopping in his tracks upon hearing someone humming. He peeked inside the classroom to find the source of the pleasant sound. There he found the omega busy writing something in his notebook. 

Since he didn't have anything else to do, he sat beside Taehyung causing the male to flinch and look at him with fearful eyes.

"Wh-what? " The beauty asked nervously. He was scared because he was alone in a classroom with an unfamiliar alpha.

Bogum laughed in return before saying, "Hey buddy, calm down. I won't hurt you." He said and dragged his chair afar from Taehyung. 

Taehyung was still a bit hesitant to trust an unknown guy but he soon ended up in a pit of giggles and laughter when Bogum started to converse with him. He was a fun guy who loved art and music which surprised Taehyung as most of the alphas he knew were mainly into sports. 

That was when Taehyung felt safe with another alpha besides Yoongi. To say that Taehyung did not have a small crush on Bogum would be a lie.

So there he was, awkwardly trying to hide his mark as Bogum and him were having a chat. Of course Bogum noticed the mark on Taehyung's neck but he decided not to question it as he was happy that the little omega found his mate.

"Shall we head inside, your majesty?" Bogum asked dramatically which caused the omega to laugh at his friend's silliness.

“We may.” With that, Taehyung started his day at the university.

He had hardly survived in the university as he was bombarded with questions related to his mate. Random girls would approach him and ask him about his mate which pissed him off as he was tired of all the attention he received because of Jungkook.

He also decided to button up his shirt as he was tired of people looking at his mark and whispering among themselves.

“I'll unbutton it before leaving.” Taehyung thought.

He just ignored everyone and walked past them not before giving them an apologetic look. He also met Yoongi and Jimin who were worried about him and constantly kept asking him the same question whether he was okay or not.

Finally when it was sharp 4pm, he excitedly rushed towards the back gate of the university but frowned when he was unable to find Jungkook's car.

"Maybe...he forgot." He sighed.

"Uh, Tae, I can drop you home. My sister will come to pick me up in 10 minutes, lets wait for her at the front gate." Bogum offered to which Taehyung gladly complied as he was too tired to walk home. 

When both the males made their way to the front gate, Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise. He saw Jungkook waiting for him at the front gate. A part of him felt giddy as his alpha didn't forget about him but another part was puzzled as he clearly remembered that Jungkook told him to wait for him at the back gate.

Nonetheless, he bid Bogum goodbye before walking towards Jungkook who was leaning against his car. Bogum smiled at them as he figured out that Jungkook was Taehyung's mate. 

Jungkook gestured Taehyung to stop in his tracks as he started walking towards Taehyung who was standing in the middle of his campus ground. When Jungkook reached Taehyung, he tapped his lips, motioning Taehyung to kiss him. 

Taehyung's face turned red as he looked around and saw people staring at them. He didn't like the stares. 

"Come on," Jungkook smirked and shoved his hands in the pocket of his dress pants and leaned his face closer to Taehyung.

"He-here?" Taehyung whispered as he gulped and scanned Jungkook's face.

“Yes.” Taehyung was frozen at his spot, unable to register what was happening. The silence was making the trueblood impatient as he stood up straight and glared at his mate.

"Kiss me. Right now." He used his alpha voice which caused the omega to submit in front of him. He whimpered before placing his hands on his alpha's chest for support and standing on his tiptoes to leave a small peck on Jungkook's lips with his quivering ones.

Jungkook chuckled and ruffled Taehyung's hair before possessively grabbing his waist and accompanying him to his car.

Bogum witnessed everything. He saw how hesitant Taehyung was and how Jungkook glared at him when he grabbed Taehyung's waist.

He could sense that something was off about their relationship.


“You're so disobedient.” Jungkook sighed, eyes focused on the road as he was driving.

“W-what? but I kissed you-” The omega stopped when he noticed his alpha's expression darkening.

“What did i tell you about the shirt,huh?” Jungkook scoffed, speeding up the car.

That's when Taehyung realized that he forgot to unbutton the first two buttons of his shirt before leaving the campus. He internally screamed at himself before looking at Jungkook and noticing his jaw clench.

“A-alpha, i'm-”

I think you need more marks, don't you? Finally Jungkook faced Taehyung, a crazy smile plastered on his face.


This may sound weird but can you guys leave comments 👉👈
Your comments cheer me up so please?

++ I'm love deprived :")

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