~Chapter 4~

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Enjoy ~Chapter 4~. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

What Happened Last Time....

"Sam stop! He isn't worth it," I said. By then a crowd has formed. The bell rings signaling that class is about to begin. Students are rushing to get to class on time.

"Come on Sam we are going to be late for class," I state.

"Go on, get to class... Samantha," Billy smirks even bigger.

Sam growls. We turn and head to class. We hear Billy laughing in the distance.

~Chapter 4~

   "Sam just ignore him. He just wants to see you mad. Don't let him take pleasure from that," I explained.

   Sam closes her eyes and sighs(wow! that rhymed. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) it always rhymes when you are not thinking about it). "You're right. I shoudn't let him take pleasure from my reaction."

   By now we had reached homeroom. The room is filled. As we walk through the room Missy yells at me. "Look who it is? The maid," said Missy.

   "Just ignore her Lace," said Sam. We go to the back and take our sits. Sam tells me about what she did over summer break. Sam and her family went to Hawaii for the summer.

   Since she was gone most of the summer, I was stuck in the house with Cruel Ella and the twins. And of course my dad was no where to be found, but on some business trip. When he is around that is the only time I am not forced to clean or cook. I try to tell him that Whitney and twins are terrible to me, but he thinks that I am over exaggering. Then Whitney comes in and tries to make he choose between me and her. My father gets fustraed and goes to his office and does not come out for sometime.

   "So how was your summer Lace," Sam asked.

   "Why do you even ask? You know what happened. I cleaned, cooked, and then locked myself in my room," I sighed.

   "Don't worry Lace it will get better," Sam said and looks at me with reassuring eyes. She grabbs my hand and shushes it.  

   I look down as the bell rings for class to start.The class quiets down and the teacher begins her lesson. A couple rows in front of me is Missy and her friends. They are giggling about the new teacher.

   "I saw him when I walked in earlier today. He is so sexy," purrs Ruby, Missy's friend.

   "I saw his six pack through his shirt;" says Candi, Missy's other friend.

   "That is so gross. Checking out their teacher," Sam whipered disgusted. 

   "Who cares what you think loser," Mandy said. Missy turns around and contiues to talk to her friends.

   Sam growels and stares straight ahead at  the borad. We don't say anything throughout the rest of class.



   "Well that went by fast,"I sighed. Sam and me walk out our first period.

   "This day is jus not going by fast enough," Sam says. "So what do you have next," she asked.

   "I have Language Arts with Ms.Williams."

   "I have Math with Mr.Furgson."Sam said sadly. "We have 3rd, 5th, and 7th together," Sam smiles.

   "Okay. I'll see you in 3rd period."

   "Later," Sam turns and leaves for math.

   As I walk down the hallway I notice that most of the girls attenion are not on me.That is so strange. Usually they are pointing and whispering about how ugly I look. I did not think twice about it. At least their attenion is not on me. I speed walk to class.

   As I entered entered my second period everyone looked at me and then went back to talking. From what I could pick up, it was about the new teacher again. I stopped listening when I got to my seat in the back.  

   Second period went by as fast as first.


   I almost run to third period just, so I can tell Sam about me being ignored. When I get to third period, I see Sam in the back of the class room. I walk to the back where Sam is.

   "Don't you look happy," Sam says.

   "You won't believe what has been happening to me," I state happily.

   "Your dad finally came to his senes and left Whitney," Sam ask.

   "I wish, but no. Everyone has been ignoring me."

   "This is good because..." Sam trails off.

   "This is good because I won't be picked on for awhile."

   "That's awesome!"

   Class starts and we stop talking. Thourghout the class, all I can hear is stuff about the new teacher. It comes mostly from the female population. Any comments from the boys are mostly negative. What is wrong with the girls in this school. 

     Sam turns to me and whispers to me, "This new teacher must be a god, since all the girls keep talking about him."

   I shrug and say, "Who cares. It's not like anyone can date him. Student and teacher,"

   "You are right, Lace," Sam says. Class goes on.


  Me and Sam part ways again after third and reuinte in 5th. We separate in 6th again. In 6th period, I have Ryan, and just like Missy he manges to make my life hell.

   "Look who it is. My ugly step-sister," says Ryan. I walk by him and his friends to the back. I thought he would continue to tease me, but a girl walks in and he starts to flirt with her. Probably another one of his sluts. Class passses by uneventful. I did not realize how fast class went by until I see Sam walking towards me.

   "Hey! Ready to go to 7th period," she ask. We have p.e.



Next chapter you will get to meet the new teacher. Sorry for not updating but at first it was readers block, but then I got loaded with rewrites for ap and LA. It has been a long school year, but it is finnaly over in six days not including the weekend. Let's hope I can get out another chapter really soon.

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