~Chapter 5~

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I realized I skipped the lunch scene. O well. Sorry it took me so long. At first I was just going to give up in this story but here I am. Enjoy!

P.S. I love comments!(^∇^)

What Happened Last Time....

"Look who it is. My ugly step-sister," says Ryan. I walk by him and his friends to the back. I thought he would continue to tease me, but a girl walks in and he starts to flirt with her. Probably another one of his sluts. Class passses by uneventful. I did not realize how fast class went by until I see Sam walking towards me.

"Hey! Ready to go to 7th period," she ask. We have p.e.


~Chapter 5~

"So are you enjoying your day," Sam asks.

"Surprisingly yes! Like before, no one has really paid any attention to me."

"Awesome! There is finally a smile on your face."

"Maybe when I get home Cruel Ella will-" I bumped into a firm object, making all my stuff fall to the ground.

"Whoa! Are you alright," said a very masculine voice.

"I am so sorry," I apologized.

"It's alright," he says. He helps me pick up my stuff from the ground. After we picked up all my stuff off the floor, I started to look up. And for once I agreed with Missy on something. "Sorry I crashed into you. I am still getting use to this school," he explains while rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh. It's okay," I said.

"I am the new P.E. teacher. M name is Blake Sterling." He is so handsome. His smile is so beautiful.

"Uh-hi-ii," I stuttered.

"Hi! We are in your 7th period class," Sam says. I foregut she was here.

"Great! I hope we have a good year together," he says while still holding my hand.

"Okay," I say softly. He finally realized that he was still holding my hand and let go. A sense of lost came over me when he let go. His smile flattered for a second but came right back.

"Let's go take our sits Lace," Sam interjects. I follow her to go sit down. As I walked away, I could feel eyes on my back, "What was that," Sam asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You two were staring into each others eyes for along time."

"It was nothing Sam."

"Sure it was."

"Can we just let it go," I plea as we sit down.

"We will have a very good year. I'm sure of it," I hear someone purr. I look and see Missy leaning into Mr. Sterling while showing a lot of cleavage. Mr. Sterling smiles hesitantly and looking uncomfortable. Her and her walk in and sit.

"Slut," Sam whisper. I giggle. The bell rings and everyone files in. One thing I notice is that most of the girls are sitting in the front.

"Hello. For most of you, you already know my name but if you don't. My name is Blake Sterling and I am the new P.E. teacher. To start off, let's introduction ourselves. I will let you ask me a few questions about myself, and then go around the room and ask you about yourself. Alright?" Many hands go up. Lots of them girls. "Alright you in the middle," he points to a girl with red hair.

"How old are you," she asks.

"I am 23."

"Young and hot," I hear Missy whisper to Candi. Mr. Sterling smiles at what she said.

"Okay next! You in the green shirt."

"Are you single?"

He laughs," Yes. Yes I am." The girls start to whisper. "Okay. One more question. You," he points to a boy in the back.

"What sports do you play or what hobbies do you enjoy?"

"I play football and basketball. Now, that is enough about me. Let's talk about you guys. We will start here and work our way around."

After a few students, it was Missy's turn. She stands, "Hi, I'm Missy but many of you know this. Captain of the cheerleading squad and I'm single and eighteen." She smiles at Mr. Sterling.

"Hi! My name is Steven! I like Kpop and fashion design," says a average tall Asian boy.

"Hey. My name is Tanisha. I love my nephews and after high school I plan to join the air-force," said a black girl.

And so it continued like this until it was Sam's turn, "Hey, my name is Sam. I love playing volleyball and basketball."

"Lastly is Lacey," Mr. Sterling says while looking at me.

I blushed and looked down. "Time to get this over with," I whisper to myself as I get up.

"This loser," I hear Missy say to her friends.

"Hello. My name is Lacey. I like art and reading," I say and sit down relieved.

"RING! RING! RING!" Finally! school is over. I'm happy and sad at the same time. "Tomorrow we will start class. Change into your gym uniforms and come and sit in the gym," Mr. Sterling states as everyone leaves.

Me and Sam hurry to leave. Just as we are walking out the door, Ryan stops me." Remember to come straight home after work. Mother wants dinner on the table by seven," Ryan says and walks away. I sigh. And that us way I am sad.

"Come on. Let's get you to work," Sam states.

Okay that was Chapter 5. Hope you like it. Maybe Chapter 6 won't take as long.

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