Chaotic trio meets Chaotic trio

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The three siblings were in the councilor's cabin with David and Gwen

"Alright kids, Tina you'll be a counselor in training, and kids you'll be sleeping in the same tent" said David

"A councilor in training, that would give me dominance" said Tina as she was imagining how a CIT would be like

"Alright you can go put your stuff away and meet me at the mess hall" said David

The trio then left to put their stuff away

"Actually Tina, you'll be sleeping in a cabin" said David

And Gene and Louise went to their tents that Gwen was leading them, as they got there they went inside and unpacked and when they were done they went to the mess hall to meet David

As they got into the mess hall David was in front of them

"Alright I want you to grab your lunch and I'll tell you where you could sit with" said David

Louise and Gene went to grab their lunch and went back to David

"Okay you could sit with Max, Nikki, and Neil" said David as they lead them to them "hello kids, sense we have new campers they'll be sitting with you"

"We don't need anyone else here" said the kid with the blue hoodie

"Oh come on Max, you might get to know them well" said David "alright I'll leave you guy to it" and he left

"Is that guy on drugs" said Louise

"I wonder how Tina is doing" wondered Gene

"She might be miserable like we are!" said Louise "ah! I mean come on we could of just wasted our summer by doing something fun back home, like go into Wonder Wharf and win all the impossible prizes, or join a motorcycle gang, or help regular size Rudy find his confidence sure it'll take long, but damn it we'll do anything to get out of here like working at the restaurant"

"Or make Dye Heart the Musical, or find a two-butted goat, or pull a heist, or transform me into dad!" said Gene

"Gene we already did that" said Louise

"Even the heist?" Asked Gene

"Yeah remember Mr. Fishoeder  taught us to cheat even though he was setting us up so we made a heist of our own and I won the woolly mammoth" said Louise

"Oh yeah, that was one of our better days, better then the time when we got into a limo and I got scared when I saw a snake and ran all the way home and I had to sit in front and Tina barfed because she was reading a fake diary and we got into a fun castle to find the snake and we brought it to Nats girlfriend and in return we got baby snakes" said Gene "I still have nightmares of that snake, I wonder if it's thinking of me"

"I'm sure it is Gene" said Louise

"I'm sorry, but what the fuck are you talking about" said Max

"Woah!" Said both Louise and Gene hearing Max say fuck

"What?" Said Max

"What! You said the f word!" said Gene

"Yeah so, you guys swear" said Max

"Yeah, but not the f word!" Said Gene

"Wow, this changes everything, fuck yeah!" Said Louise

"Aah! What is going on right now!" Said Gene

"Come on Gene try it" said Louise

"I won't fucking do it, oh no I said it and it felt good so I should probably stop panicking!" said Gene

"You guys are fun, I'm Nikki, that's Max the one with the blue hoodie and always in a mood, and that's Neil with the yellow turtle neck and nerdy too, he likes science" said Nikki

"I'm Gene and this is my sister Louise" said Gene

"It's Louise!" Said Louise

"And that's my other sister Tina" said Gene pointing at Tina who is now wearing a green shirt with a tree and is now walking to her siblings

"Hey guys how's it going" said Tina

"Fine I guess, you?" Asked Louise

"Horrible, I should be at home and write in my erotic friend fiction about me and Jimmy Jr" said Tina

"Or with the boys you loved, let's face it T, you fall in love with every boy" said Louise

"Yep and it's okay" said Tina

"Is it" said Louise

"What do you mean Louise?" Asked Tina

"Tina, you fall in love with every boy in one day, remember when Jimmy Jr and Josh were competing for your love and you found it fun and made it keep going and when they had a danced battle you made it weird" said Louise

"And remember when you dressed up as a boy to find your true love"

"Yeah, "true love"" said Louise air quoting

"And as you were waiting you fell in love with every boy you met in the boyz4now try out for a new BooBoo" said Gene

"And then you got caught, mom said that it's okay, but is it okay?" said Louise

"Well yeah, it probably normal for a girl to fall in love with every boy in one day" said Tina

"Yeah not so much" said Louise "Tina you say you love Jimmy Jr and only him, but is it true?" Asked Louise

"Yeah girl, is it true, even about his butt!?" said Gene

"Well yeah I mean I only love him" said Tina

"But you don't, when you say that you love him sometimes, you would just fall in love with another boy" said Louise

"Yeah, I say I love Jimmy Jr not to every boy" said Tina

"Oh yeah, what about your soul mate Damien, you said he's the one, but I say he's one of many, sorry to burst your bubble T, but your boy crazy" said Louise

"No Im not just because I fall in love with every boy in one day doesn't make me boy crazy sure I fall in love with every boy in one day and I would use them in my erotic friend fiction and that I said that one of them is my soul mate and instead I fall in love with every boy (realizes) oh my God I am boy crazy" said Tina then laid down on the floor and does her famous moans

"Aw there, there, here have some milk" said Louise handing her milk

"What the fuck is wrong with your family!?" said Neil

"Deal with it Bill Nye the science guy!" said Gene

"Yeah, this is our family, mind your own damn family science guy!" said Louise

Tina then spit the milk out "this milk is expired" said Tina

"Yeah, but what do you expect from a run down shitty camp like Camp Campbell" said Max

"I expected an amusement park you angry child, but I was lied to by my parents, what kind of parents lie to their children, those savages!" Said Gene

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