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The campers were outside in the activities field

"Alright campers today's activity is theater camp" said David

"Oh boy, I wonder what were going to laugh at" said Louise

"Yeah, I bet it isn't *GASPS*" Gene then looked at the stage and saw what was going on with Preston, Harrison, and Nerris and he was amazed "OH MY GOD, THESE ARE MY PEOPLE NOW!" Gene then ran off to them

"Gene... *Sighs*" said Louise looking sad until she saw Tina "hey Tina, do you maybe wanna go into the woods if this activity is boring as hell" asked Louise

"Sorry Louise, but I need to stop obsessing over boys, this is something that's going to be challenging for me" said Tina as she walked off

"Huh, I guess I'm going in alone" said Louise as she walked to the the seats where the stage is and sat down as she had her elbows on her knees and the palm of her hands on her cheeks "*sighs* all alone"

Then Nikki came up to Louise and asked "Hey, Louise right, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me, Max, and Neil in the woods then do this stupid activity"

"Uh hell yeah!" said Louise

Nikki and Louise walked out of there and into the woods, as they were in the woods they saw Max and Neil

"Oh great, Nikki why did you invite little pink bunny ears" said Max not happy that Louise is here

"Come on Max, I think she's fun" said Nikki

"Damn right I am" said Louise

"From the story's that I heard from her and Gene, she could be apart of our chaotic group" said Nikki

"Oh honey, I'm way more chaotic than what you heard, those story's were just the beginning, there's way more chaos that I could do" said Louise

"Oh yeah, I think your a whole lot of bullshit" said Max

"Oh yeah and what's that?" Said Louise

"I think what you said is not true at all, I think your just telling lies so you think they'll respect you or be intimidated by you. In fact, what is the worst thing you have ever done?" Said Max

"Oh geez I don't know" said Louise as she was think about what was the worst thing she's ever done

"I know one" the four kids looked at where the voice came from and it was Tina

"Tina, what are you doing here?" Asked Louise

"Finding some cute boys so I can get over my obsession" said Tina "anyway the worst thing that you have ever done was almost electrocuted me" said Tina

"Oh yeah, but I think I did far more worse than that" said Louise


"Yeah I did" said Louise

"Why?" Asked Neil

"It all started-"

"Wait let me put some dramatic music as you tell the story" the five then looked at who it was and it was Gene

"Gene, I thought you were doing theater stuff back at camp?" Asked Louise

"I did, but the boy who yells a lot who is so dramatic said I was an embarrassment to the theater" said Gene

"Preston said that" said Nikki

"If your referring to the guy who was a jerk to me then yeah" said Gene

"Okay, no one treats my brother like that, he gave my brother sad face and that gives me mad face, if that kid is into theater it's time for movies to enter the theater I call it John Wick and I'm John Wick, and Gene is my puppy and he's those guys who did something to the puppy. I'm not sure what because I only saw the trailer, but I know enough about it to know that he's going to pay. PAY!" Said Louise being threatening

"Do you want to do your story first?" Asked Gene

"Yeah sure" said Louise

"Music time" said Gene pressing the keys on his key board to be dramatic

"Okay so I had to do a science project for the science far (Gene pressed the keyboard again), I used my old science project so that I don't have to do anything, my project was a volcano, but when I got to school I had a substitute and he was a dick, he had one rule and that is no volcanoes (Gene pressed the keyboard again), he says that kids have been using these "paper mache monstrosity" to avoid real work for years"

"Well I can see why he banned them" said Neil

"Anyways he will had non of it, but I told him that I already made my project as a volcano and he said he would assign me a new project, I took non of that bull crap so when I refused it, he grabbed my project, dropped it on the floor and stomped all over it and gave me no choice but to do the other project (Gene pressed the keyboard again), he assigned me Thomas Edison (Gene pressed the keyboard again)"

"Oh my god, he really is a dick" said Nikki

"Yeah, so me, Tina and Gene went to the library to do actual work, so when I got there I asked our librarian for some information, as he got that he then whispered a word "Topsy" (Gene pressed the keyboard again),he refused what he said out loud and he said it again he whispered to us to use the computers, books are stupid"

"I agree, books are dumb" said Gene

"We have a dramatic librarian" said Tina

"So I research topsy on the internet and I found some shocking news and that news was that Topsy was an elephant that was electrocuted in public by Thomas Edison (Gene pressed the keyboard again), I decided to get revenge on that dick and I did, so I secretly had my dad's friend Teddy help me because we're not supposed to get any help by anyone and I got him to create something that could electrocute Topsy again who Tina was playing"

"We made it a musical, but our voices were so terrible that I asked my aunt and land lord to sing for us as they hide behind the curtain, we had a choir, it was beautiful" said Gene

"Yeah, but before they were doing that, I got caught by the dick and got send to detention, but I got out and managed to do my science project, as they finished "singing" I got Teddy to turn on the machine to electrocute Tina, as the lights flickered, we say Tina unconscious, but she didn't, it was very convincing, but I got my revenge and that's how it all went down" finished Louise

"Holy fuck you are very chaotic!" said Neil

"Meh" said Max pretending like that wasn't horrible

"Yeah and now it's time for that girl Preston to pay for his actions, he's going to pay! PAY!" said Louise

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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