Chapter 9

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I kept staring at him as if it was a staring game. I didn't want to budge and so did he.

Finally, an old man came with some papers in his hands and that's when my stare game with this man ended.

"Very good morning ladies and gentlemen, I am Lee. It is a pleasure to have you all here. We are extremely overwhelmed by the response we got for the project..." the old man continued.

Cut the crap man! Come to the point.

I had been quite impatient for the result and this man is taking his own sweet time.

I looked at the guy who was Vance's representative and was staring at me some time ago.

He was looking at the man waiting for the announcement with hooded eyes.

He was as tensed as I was.

I had kept my fingers crossed. We all worked so hard for it.

"It was a very cut throat competition and I would like to announce that the project is allotted to Muna Constructions. They quoted a dollar less compared to Silva Constructions. Tough luck buddy!" he said looking at Nick.

I felt like my blood drained from my whole body.

I felt like crying but controlled myself.

Trying is better than crying because results would be good the next time.

I looked at Nick. He was in a pathetic spot than I was. Everyone were sympathetic towards him.

I saw Vance's representative. He had a smirk on his face.

If murder wasn't a crime, he would have been dead by now.

But still, a very few people were near him to congratulate. Most of the members were with Nick.

Finally, I and Nick left the place.

We were in the car when I said, "How is it possible to lose by 1 dollar?"

"Happens." was the only thing he said.

Even though he was driving the car, I could see that he was in some deep thoughts.

We reached the office and Nick had a meeting with all the top representatives.

I just continued doing my work for other projects.

The day passed by.

I was waiting at the bus stand which was right in front of my office.

A cute teenage girl walked towards me and gave me a note.

"Who gave this to you?" I asked viewing it suspiciously.

"I will not tell." she gave me and went away.

For a second I felt like throwing away the letter in the trash can. But the curious character in me did not allow me to do so.

I will read and dispose it at home.

As soon as I reached home, I opened the letter and read it.

"Sorry that we didn't have time to talk the last time we met. We shall meet at Pasties if you are up for it."


Vanak invited me to Pasties?

It was one of the finest restaurants with the food of sky high prices!

I cannot afford it. But then, how will I say no to her?

I called mom and she told me that Vanak or VM as she also addressed her was a renowned fashion designer and my mom was her regular customer.

I wondered what she had to speak to me.

Did she know about me going gaga on Vance? Nah! It is buried within me and I will never let it out for a person like him who is so full of himself. I have self-respect too!

But then there has to be a reason.

Is it possible that Vance would have said something about me to her?

But why would you do so?

I mean nothing to him, right?

Or maybe I mean something to him!

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Love you all <3 XOXO

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