Chapter 20

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The next day in the office, I continued to get cold shoulder from Nick. I wondered what my fault was.

I was not assigned any work till the evening. I went to my immediate boss to ask me to assign something. But he said that there was nothing as of now.

I was working on developing the Bot which Tary had already worked upon a bit along with his girlfriend.

Then post lunch, Nick called me to his cabin.

"Ana. There are some new interns in the company. As I could see that you are free from the morning, at least you can go and guide them." he said.

"Okay." I said.

What non sense? Why is he not giving me any technical work? There is umpteen amount of work which all my teammates were doing and I was not assigned anything by anyone.

I went to interns and they were already doing their job. All I had to do was interact with them and check what they were up to. There was no work here also.

I was feeling very low.

I knew that I would be leaving at a regular office time as there was no work.

I decided to call Vance and talk to him.

"Hi Ana! I am glad that you decided to call me." he said.

"Oh why so?" I asked him smiling cheerfully.

"There is an opening ceremony of my friend's art gallery today. Will you come with me?" he asked.

"Okay. But after visiting the art gallery, you are dropping me home instead of taking me somewhere else." I said sternly.

"We can go for dinner in some nearby restaurant if you are okay with it." he said.

"Sure. I don't mind." I replied back.

I headed back to my home. Prepared meal for Snuffy and decided to get dressed.

I wore a white color floral dress with brown boots.

I decided to make a high pony.

By the time I was ready, my doorbell rang.

It was him. My heart started racing again.

He was in his formal suit.

I eyed his dress.

"I didn't get time to change as I was very busy throughout the day." he said smiling meekly at me.

"Of course you are a busy man!" I said.

He is such a busy man. Yet he was here hanging out with me.

My heart swelled with happiness.

"Come in." I invited him inside my home.

I asked him to sit on one of the chairs as I didn't have sofas.

"I will just get my wallet." I said and went inside my bedroom.

When I came back to hall, I saw Snuffy was all over Vance. It was wagging its tail vigorously. It climbed on his shoulders and his stomach and it was doing it repeatedly. It even licked his face for which he didn't mind.

God! Even Snuffy fell in love with Vance.

"Whoa! You really have such a cute dog!" he said excitedly.

"I know." I said gleefully.

I went to him and took my Snuffy back.

"Looks like Snuffy likes you." I said giggling.

"It does." he said patting its back.

So Snuffy gave a green signal to Vance and it meant so much to me.

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