Chapter 12

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"He invited me to his private beach." I told her.

"What? No way!" she screamed.

"Mom. Please stop treating me like a kid!" I said.

"Okay, don't forget how good you are at Martial Arts. If he behaves otherwise, kick him where the Sun doesn't shine. Don't worry about the consequences which you might face from Vanak or Vance later. I will take care." she said.

"Love you Mom." I said and went to Vance.

"Let's go." I said.

"Sure." he said with a gleeful smile.

Once we were in the car, the drive was silent.

I hate silence!

"Vance, if you don't mind, can I play some songs?" I asked him.

"Sure." he replied.

As soon as I turned on the speaker system, I heard the music of a guitar and after hearing it just for a few seconds, I felt like it was a beautiful song.

# Kiss it, kiss it better, baby

Kiss it, kiss it better, baby#

In a swift motion, I turned off the speaker.

Thanks to my reflexes due to Martial Arts!

The situation wasn't helping at all. I don't know why I was even feeling like that.

It is just a song's lyrics Ana! You were not singing it for him.

I told myself and didn't dare to look at him.

From my peripheral vision, I could see him looking at me with a wicked grin!


I kept my head and my face straight as if I was finding the road in front of us to be the most interesting thing in the world.

"Ana." he said my name and his voice seemed very edgy and velvety.

"Hmm." I said still not looking at him.

"Look towards your left. That is my home." he showed his home as we were passing by it.

It looked magnificent!

"You have a very beautiful house." I said replying genuinely.

"It is more beautiful inside." he said as he was slowing down the car.

"With your permission, I would love to explore it some other day. Let's go to the beach today." I replied trying not to make any eye contact with him.

"As you wish." he said replying with a hint disappointment in his voice.

What the hell did he expect? A tumble on the bed? A few girls must throw themselves on him but I am definitely not one of them!

Chill Ana! Maybe, he just wanted to give you a tour to his house.

He continued driving towards the beach.

I opened the door of the car. The next thing I knew was, I was greeted by the cool sea breeze.

The breeze made its way through my hair and I felt myself relax.

"Shall we?" Vance asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Leave your heels in the car." He said.

I did so and I felt even better when my feet touched the cold sand.

Most importantly there was no one at the beach except for me and him.

It was perfect because I hate crowds and sometimes we need to visit such new places for peace of mind.

The lyrics of the above mentioned song is from Kiss It Better by Rihanna.

Hey my High Fliers!!

Please make me feel happy by clicking the star at the end of this chapter.


Love you all <3 XOXO

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