Ch 1

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9 Months Later

I breathe heavily as my face is stuffed in the crook of Natasha's neck as she's also settling down her breathing.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?" Natasha asks, her nails grazing my nape softly.

"I just had my breakfast." I mumble nipping at her neck making her gasp lightly.

"*giggles* You've been a lot hornier recently." She comments making me chuckle against her skin as I absentmindedly leave kisses anywhere I could.

"Well I have to take advantage, cupcake. You aren't here often." I tell her, picking my head up then slowly pull out of her and her face contorts in slight pleasure as she bites her lip.

I peck her lips before looking deep into her green eyes.

"You always take me so good, cupcake." I smirk and she playfully rolls her eyes with a slight blush.

She pushes me off of her softly as she gets out of bed, then makes her way to the bathroom leaving the door open.

"Do you have to clean yourself up? I like seeing my work." I smirk propping myself up on one of my elbows to see her.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" She says amused as she opens one of the drawers getting a Plan B pill.

"I'd love that, doll." I tell her making her roll her eyes with a giggle.

She then closes the door and I sigh in content placing my hands behind my head as I close my eyes. After a few minutes the door opens and I hear some shuffling making me open my eyes to see Natasha in one of my dress shirts that's big on her, coming down right under her ass. I prop myself on my elbow again as I look at her and bite my lip taking in her gorgeous figure before I decide to speak.

"Why don't you move in permanently, princess? It sucks not being able to see you everyday." I say and I hear her sigh softly.

"We've been over this, J." She turns around coming to my bed side.

"Yeah but my house arrest is over and I'm a month in on my probation. Things have been going good." I shrug looking up at her.

"I know and I'm proud of you, but I don't know if I'm ready to move in permanently. It's a big step." She says unsure as she runs a hand through my hair softly and I nod looking down.

"Okay." I say getting up from the bed.

"You're..not mad?" She asks hesitantly.

"No." I shake my head.

"I'm going to take a shower." I add casually getting some clothes from my walk in closet.

"Okay, so um, what do you want for breakfast?" She asks fidgeting with her fingers coming over towards me.

"I'll have whatever you're having." I shrug.

" you." She says.

"Love you too." I smile pecking her lips quickly before heading to the bathroom.

When I close the door my smile falls as a small sigh escapes my lips.

I really want Natasha to move in with me permanently. It would mean that she really wants to be here. I mean, we've been together for more than a year but if feels like things are casual even though we've both said it's serious. The reason she's here today is because she has a day off and she's rarely gotten those in the last couple weeks putting a slight strain on our relationship but I haven't said anything since I know her work is important to her and I don't want to stress her out.

I sigh brushing off my thoughts with a shake of my head, starting the water so I can take my shower.


After my shower I change into the clothes I brought with me then head downstairs starting to smell food. I enter the kitchen to see Natasha behind the stove cooking.

"You're just in time, breakfast is almost ready." She tells me and I nod.

"Thanks for making breakfast." I tell her tilting her head, kissing her lips slowly, full of passion.

I pull away and she looks up at me breathlessly.

"No problem." She says in a daze.

My phone rings and when I see that it's Jonny I answer it without a second thought, stepping into the next room.

Natasha is curious as to who could be calling early in the morning and even more puzzled as why J needed to walk out to answer the phone.

I hang up the phone and go back into the kitchen to see Natasha plating the food.

"Who was that?" Natasha asks curiously.

"Oh it was just Jonny who wanted to tell me how good the club did last night." I shrug going to the fridge to get the juice.

"Is that all?" I hear her ask.

"Of course." I say into the fridge hoping she's believing me but when I close the fridge door she's right there with a raised brow and arms crossed over her chest.

I peck her lips walking past her.

"Where do you wanna eat?" I ask her, changing the subject.

"Some place comfortable where you can tell me why Jonny called." She says making me chuckle.

"Cupcake, he just called about the club that's it." I assure.

"Well I just think it's odd that you had to go to the next room to answer when you usually have no problem in answering in front of me." She sighs.

"I just wanted to hear better without the noise from the stove. Come on babe, I'm starting to think you don't trust me." I chuckle making her soften.

"I'm sorry, I'm just overreacting." She shakes her head.

"Don't apologize, cupcake. Now, let's go eat in the dining room." I tell her grabbing our plates and she nods grabbing the juice taking it to the dining room.

We get settled and start to eat comfortably.

"So I was thinking." I bring up as she's chewing making her look up at me in a questionable manner.

"Maybe, I can start going back to my club. Jonny and a Bruno have been telling me some people have been making unnecessary messes in there since I'm not there." I say and she looks down in thought.

"J, you've been doing good. You haven't done coke, or gotten plastered-

"And just because I go doesn't mean I'll do any of that. I am a woman of business and that club is my business. I can't rely on my boys to handle everything they're bound to fuck something up. And I've been locked up in here for nine months I've gotten bored out of my mind." I tell her making her sigh.

"I don't know, James." She says making me shake my head with a slight clench of my jaw but then sigh trying to calm down.

"Whatever." I grumble.

"You're mad." She says softly.

"I'm not mad. I just don't see the big deal of me going to the club I own." I roll my eyes.

"You're on probation." She states.

"Yeah, probation. Not house arrest anymore. Which means I piss in a cup every week and I can't get caught doing my business-

"Caught? You're not supposed to be doing any of your "business" in the first place." She says with a raised brow.

I run a hand down my face tiredly with a small sigh.

"Alright whatever. Let's just forget this conversation even happened." I shake my head focusing down on my plate.


"Please. I don't want to spend the few hours I get with you fighting." I tell her and she gives me a soft look before she nods as she goes back to eating as well.


Well what a start....

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