After their call they all went back to the station . Vic and Andy got out of the aid car , Travis dean in the engine and Lucas maya and Robert in another one .
- chief can I speak with U please , he said getting out of his PRT .
-which chief warren , ripley asked
- Sullivan , ben said
- of course go into my office I'll take my turnout and I'm coming right up .
They all went to the turn out room and got changed Sullivan rushes out so he can go see warren . He got to his office
- warren what can I do for u ?
- sir the chief is here I think U need to tell him , Ben said
- Ben he already know about my leg , he's my best friend
- does he knows about the drug ?
- no he doesn't , Sullivan says
- the do it now , Ben said
- chief can I see U in my office please? Sullivan yelled across the barn and everyone looked up .
- I'm coming
- chief I need to report myself
- oh god what did U do sully ? Luke said
- I stole drug and I oD'd on the job
- okay warren U can leave I'll handle this on my own .
- fine , Warren said leaving
- sully why did U do that ? I feel like I don't know U anymore , Luke said
- Luke like you know I have régional complex pain syndrome , I've been diagnosed about 4 months ago but I'm 2 months clean now , I couldn't help myself but steal fentanyl to get that pain away the moment I OD'D I stoped and I got help after that I talk with Andy and I'm clean now look I have nothing else to say .
- fine look I won't make that a trouble , don't tell anyone , I'm not telling anyone U don't lose your job warren doesn't lose his his wife either and the PRT still function . And I got enough founding for captain pruitts line of duty funeral .
- great I'll go tell the team .They both got down to the barn and everyone were kinda looking at them because it was weird that the chief asked the other chief . They both sat down with the team .
Where's Herrera and bishop Luke asked
Oh in bishops office they needed to talk , Vic said
Did they say about what ? Luke asked
No they didn't , should we tell them vic whispered
Hum yeah , team we have something to tell U ,
We're pregnant they both said
Congrats congrats the team said .
- how was that girl talk , Travis asked to maya and Andy
-oh it was , umm oh can I say that ... maya said
- interesting, Andy said
- ohh gossip !! Vic said
- no no no no no , maya said
Andy just laughed and slap mayas arm ,
- shut up maya , Andy said
- okay okay , but you'll have to tell vic
- tell me what , ohh that , Vic said
Everyone was looking at the girls with question and they didn't understand a single thing that was happening . It was funny .
- wait she knew before me , oh come on Andy !
- can someday please tell the guys what's going on ? Dean asked
-yeah they all respond ( Sullivan , Luke,jack,Travis)
- nothings happening just some girl talk y'a know . Andy said while looking at the girls , I'm gonna go get something to eat if I don't want to faint again she said. Robert got up and went to talk to her nobody was seeing them .
- sooo You're talk , Sullivan said in her ear
- yeah what about it ? Andy said
- was it about me ?
- hmm maybe , yeah it was I needed to talk to her about us I told her when I was at the hospital but I needed to say other thing she's kinda of my therapist
-yeah I know , are U ready to tell people ? He asked
- yeah let's do this now , she said
- okay but before I have something else to say
- okay good .Everybody ! Said Sullivan turning around to face the team I have a announcement to make . Thanks to all of U we won we got the founding for captain Pruitts line of duty funeral
. Everyone started to clap
- there's something I'd like to say to , first of all thank u to all my firefighter friend that got half naked to do a calendar to raise money for my dad It means a lot
- we all wanted to see your body Herrera , Travis yelled . Andy did a mouvement with her hand to tell him to shut up be he didn't understand so he yelled
- oh later U said
- travails stop it your not gonna see me half naked , second of all I have something big that I need to share with all of U , she grabbed Sullivan's hand .
Me and this tall man who's beside me got married a couple of weeks ago .
- what what , dean said
- oh god that was the conversation with bishop , Travis said
- congrats Vic , Luke and maya said at the same time .
- hey but we weren't they're so can we do like a real ceremony? Travis asked
- what do U mean Montgomery? Sullivan asked people get in line like when we line up Andy go to the left Chief to the right place both your hands together and listen to me .
- by the power of the station , I may pronounce U husband and wife , U may now kiss the bride , Travis said
- are U serious Andy said murmuring
- yeah go , you're man is waiting
They both kissed and everyone clapped it was kinda funny they all had a lots of fun .
- oh now I understand , Travis said siting accros Andy and Sullivan
- what do U understand Trav?
- when I said we wanted to see U half naked and you said no , it's because U get half naked with him .
- oh god Travis , your impossible , your gay my body doesn't even attract U . Andy said laughing Robert joined her
- haha funny Herrera you're funny , Travis said
- well look I got to see your man half naked ,Travis said
- yeah and I get to see him completely naked Trav , Andy said
- not fair !
- okay I'm really not comfortable now , Sullivan said
- come in we're having fun , Andy said
- I know I know he said kissing her .
- but Trav may I remind U that my husband was wearing a shirt and some white boxers with pink hearts on it so he wasn't half naked . Andy said
- I chose the boxers do U like them ? Travis said
- hm yeahh for sure , Andy said
- she doesn't trust me ; Robert said
- I'm gonna leave U two alone other people are gonna ask U some question maybe not juicy like mine but yeah .
Travis left and the whole team went one by one to see the new married couple to asked them question
Married life
RomanceAndrea herrera(Andy) and Robert Sullivan been married for the past 2 weeks .