I Want To Be Wanted

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Philippe LeChat just wanted to feel wanted. He had never had that. His parents thought he was a freak and threw him out on the streets. He had no one. But Philippe was special, Philippe was a familiar. You see familiars are rare creatures, they are humans essentially that can shift into an animal form and they bond to witches. The best part is that they get I chose the witch they bond to, the worst is that once they have chosen they can never leave and while they can speak their minds they can not disobey an order. But back to Philippe, he couldn't wait to find the witch he wanted to bond to. He had met many witches from all over the world but none of them had ever felt right. That was until he met Spencer. Now this isn't a fairy tale story with a happily ever after and lots of furry creatures. Just one furry creature and a man who didn't know what he had right in front of him. Philippe was desperate for attention, love, affection, really he just wanted to be wanted. But we won't get into all of that, no Philippe's past is a story for another day, today we start at the end, or well the beginning of the end.

When Philippe had finally found the witches bar he was almost ready to give up. He was told about a bar down in St. Louis that was one hundred percent witches and he had been searching for days, it was hard work when you didn't have the name of a place. And it's not like you can just hope on over to the googs and ask it where the nearest all witches bar was. Trust me if it as that simple Philippe would have tried. He was running low on hope, not that he had a lot to start with, he had been searching for years for the right witch to bond with but none of them felt right. He knew there was a chance though no matter how slim that the such he should bond with was inside this bar.

I am not going to do this a lot but as you see as the writer I have thoughts and feelings that sometimes no one listens to, like as I sit here screaming at Philippe not to go into that bar. If only he would listen.

Philippe drudged into the bar. He was tired, he was sore, he was done. He just wanted, no needed, to find the witch he was going to bond to. This was serious choice, if he chose wrong then he could end up with a total jerk face for the rest of their lives. Philippe sat down at the bar and looked around at the assortment of people mulling around him. Sitting across the bar from him was a girl, she was quite pretty with black hair and beautiful mocha coloured skin. She was sitting alone looking around as well and when her eyes met Philippe's she smiled softly. Philippe meant to smile back he did, but over the women's shoulder his eyes met the most incredible eyes he had ever seen. They belonged to a tall man wearing a tailored suit, he was talking to a small group of other people and he seemed to demand all of their attention. Then is when Philippe knew that this was the witch he was to bond with, that was to be his master.

Philippe didn't want to be rude, so instead of interrupting the man as he was talking he waited. He waited till the crowds started to disperse and people started heading home. But there still sat the man seeming to always have more to say. Finally after which seemed like hours the man stood and departed from his companions and made his way to the door with Philippe hot on his heels. Once they were outside Philippe decided it was time to make his move.

"Wait Sir, please may I just have a moment of your time?" Philippe asked as politely as he could muster. The man turned around looking slightly annoyed.

"What is it?" The man snapped at Philippe.

"My name is Philippe, I was wondering do you know what a familiar is?"

"Yes why, why does that matter? Every witch knows what a familiar is, they are increasingly rare though." The man said seeming to get gradually more irradiated.

"You see Sir I am one, a familiar, and I would like to choose you." Philippe said shyly.

"You are choosing me to be your master?" The man said apprehensively. "Why should I even believe you are as you say?" Philippe couldn't think of any other way to prow to the man what he was then to just shift. There where Philippe once stood was a small black cat almost as desperate looking as Philippe looked in his human form. "How do I know you aren't just a shape shifter?"

"Silver Sir," Philippe said politely. "Silver would burn a shapeshifter but I would not be harmed." The man just nodded along almost like he expected as much.

"This is quite the great honor Philippe." The man said. "Why don't you get in the car and we can talk more about this at home." Philippe's heart soared at the word 'home'. To finally have a home was beautiful.

Okay if you haven't already guessed this is going to be a short story of Philippe LeChat from Season 8 episode I don't ever which by I think it was called "A man's best friend" of Supernatural. I fell in live with the cutie and then he died and I was heartbroken but what can you expect from Supernatural. This story could possibly even be read as a stand alone if you don't watch the show but be prepared to be hella confused. Now until next time, which will be soon because this story is actually something that I am really excited for, see ya!

Picture at the top is Philippe in his kitty form.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or it's characters if I did do you really think Destiel wouldn't be cannon. All the rights go to the people thy belong to yada yada ya.
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