He Can Never Know

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Curtis Caravaggio is the devilishly handsome Spencer.

Chapter Dedication: This chapter goes to PaisleyVikingChick whose AMAZING stories have motivated me to keep writing. And has tugged at my poor heart a billion times since I found her books.

Philipe was happy, happier then he had ever been, Spencer excepted him. Spencer took him in, gave him a home and a new life, and all the attention and affection he could have hopped for. But something seemed a bit off. Spencer seemed to like to show off his little kitty familiar more then Philipe was truly comfortable with. But Spencer was charming, he knew exactly what to say that would make Philipe want to show off as well.

"We are gods among mortals." Philipe would say carding his fingers trough Philipe's hair. Spencer always treated Philipe as if he was in his cat form, petting him and pampering him.

Philipe would preen at the attention his master would give him, finally
happy to have someone who cared for him. There were times though, times when Philipe didn't want to be anywhere near Spencer like when he got that glint in his eye that usually meant someone was going to get hurt.

"Did you honestly think that you were powerful then me, Daniel?" Spencer said while using his magic to hold another witch pressed against the wall. Philipe sat lounged on his seat, sipping from a glass that Spencer had handed him, trying to ignore the whimpering coming from the man on the wall.

"Spencer, it wasn't like that. This is all a miss understanding." Daniel said breathlessly.

"You completely challenged me Daniel, is there another way I am supposed to take that?" Spencer said letting his magic squeeze just a little harder. Daniel groaned from the pain and shook his head frantically.

"Spencer, he has had enough." Philipe said swirling his drink before downing the rest of it. He then stood and rested his had on Spencer's trying to convey through their mind link that these was done.

"Philipe, you are right. He is done." Spencer's eyes flashed and the man's neck snapped. Spencer turned around and looked down at Philipe, "Don't ever undermine me especially in front of others. Do you understand my pet?" Spencer ran his fingers through Philipe's hair and griped it tightly.

"Yes master," Philipe said in submission and dropped his gaze to the floor.

"Good pet." Spencer said letting go of Philipe's hair and gently scratching at Philipe's scalp. It was moments like this that Philipe felt himself long for something more, something loving with actual feelings. He knew that would never happen though, a relationship between a master and their submissive familiar was looked down upon and even if it wasn't Spencer could barley stand Philipe's presence on their best days let alone actually have feelings for him. But that didn't change how Philipe felt, he was slowly falling deeper in love with Spencer and all he could do was physiologically block those thoughts from Spencer and pray to whomever was listening that Spencer would never notice. Little did he know that it didn't matter anyway.

A/N: Sorry to all and any who are reading this. School had been kicking my ass and I stopped writing for a while. But I'm back, I've got ideas. It gonna be awesome. Um if anyone is reading this you should let me know. I would love to dedicate chapters to people whom like actually read this story.

Conversation starter!!!: if you were a familiar what animal would you be? Would it be to much to ask why as well?

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