That Ackward meeting

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Rebecca p.o.v

I removed my ruby hair from my emerald eyes, Mondays, shit I hate Mondays.....I stuffed my laptop into my dead rainbow dash book bag, yeah I'm a real syco. "The f*** you think you going" my father screamed as I headed towards the shower. I stripped my skull pj's and locked the bathroom door. I turned the water on letting steam fill the room blurring my not-so-good vision. I stumbled into the shower nearly slipping on the soapy water floor. I let the warm boiling hot water beat my body. I looked at my bitten knuckles, marks of teeth and scratches scared them....what I bite them so I don't scream got an issue?? After my shower I wrapped my towel around myself and snook into my dark room. Pictures of death bands and evenessence (a/n did I spell that wrong guys lol? ) covered the red and white walls. I took out some black skinny ripped jeans, a devil vs. Angel loose shirt on and some red and white converse, get it I'm all angel and devil , Ying and yang etc etc. Brushed my ruby hair and applied some black eye liner. I opened the door and went down the hall to the window I slid my backpack down the roof the ground followed by myself. I dug threw the leaves and pulled out two things

1. A big headed red and white dog with mitch match huge eyes and small red and white eyes and stuffed it into my bag.

2. My swiss army knife I pick pocketed on the streets and slid that in my back pocket...just in case. I started to the bus stop keeping my head down as I passed my neighbors, they thought I was deranged, and I was! But I kept my mouth shut always. They gave my stares as though they had just seen a messed up cow/horse thing. I got to the bus stop standing next to my best friend Josh, he had bright red hair and black streaks, and awsome red eyes. Then Brian and Kelly came diving down the street in there cherry red ferrari, they called me over , why do I hate Mondays hmmm this'll help, I walked over slowly "sup freak still a b**** I see " Kelly , a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and a cheerleader , said snob like. And Brian a brunette and hazel eyed buff foot ball player added in "still with freak-zode over there to?" He said making puppy eyes. I slid my hand into my back pocket and bend down pretending to tie my shoe but really stabbing the tire. I smiled creepily, an ear to ear smile if you get me , the drove off in fear and Josh and I boarded the bus

Jeffs p.o.v

*Whoa... man I was sent to spy for slendy on this girl to see if she's the second strongest proxy, BEN ,her I guess , then slendy, and she's good. She carries a knife has a smile like me and is a good silent death (means to stab or/ and kill quietly) BEN has some competition....oh shit she's on bus * I thought I ran from behind the shrub I was behind and jumped onto the back of the bus , nearly falling but grasping a bike bar on the back. We rode to some light and preppy school full of gangs of different people like gamers, jocks, etc. Rebecca and her friend stepped of the bus and headed straight into the school. I followed turning back to what I looked like before I got bleached white , burnt my eyelids off , burned my hair coal black , and oh yeah carved a ear to ear smile on my face, now I had smooth brown hair and blue eyes (blue eyes right? ?? ) the blood staining my white hoodie disappeared and my black dress paints wear now jeans I followed them into math class and took a seat far in the back

A few hours later

Finally we're out this hell hole they call 'school'. I followed them not to the bus but a club. Then to the back of the club. Then to a small group where men and women were screaming and wait....wrapping?? Okay strange .... but instead of watching Rebecca tossed her bag to the side and slid into the circle. Many of them booed and hissed and put their bets on her opponent, not her . Over 1000's of $$$ were put on her opponent after just a few short minutes she seemed to have won because she walked out of the circle holding a gigantic wad of cash ,they went to the front and the boy with red and black hair went and got his work clothes on. Rebecca sat in the corner at a table with her laptop and phone out. Perfect BEN could hack into her files, and that sound pervish, and see her data and crap now I just need to contact him. Our phones duh, we had to get them so we can keep in contact when we finished our missions, I pulled out mine and fumbled with it , I don't really know how to do this, finally I called BEN

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