Out little Gracie

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Rebecca's p.o.v

I woke up naked in BENS arms. Every thing , and when I say everything I mean everything , hurts I could barely move. I had forgotten what happened last night till I removed the covers and saw we were both naked. BEN started to awaken next to me . "Hey you okay??"He said rubbing his hand up and down my thigh softly. "Mhmm" I said scooting closer to him. I turned to him so we were chest to chest. Nose to nose , breath to breath . We were so close, there was no breath between us . I could feel his , surprisingly chiseled chest for a gamer, on my chest. He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him so I was straddling his waist and I sat up. He smiled and stroked my cheek. "It's very quiet today ..." I said smiling then frowning when he frowned. " to quiet " we said in sync. We quickly got up , me still being a little wobbly,  and got dressed. Him his usual link oufit and me some light blue ripped jeans, a skull to the death tank too , no shoes and I tied my hair up. We practically slid down the stairs looking for everyone. "E.J ? JEFF ANYONE??!" I screamed running into the kitchen. What I saw horrified me.... sexual offendy. "Hello pretty girl" he said stroking my cheek the same spot BEN did. I froze , what do I do? He's a rapier, a syco. But I was powerful to, but was I to weak ?? All I could do was let out a quite loud squel. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the door. "BEN HELP ME HELP! !!!!!" I screamed making offendy stop. "BEN PLEASE!!" I said and started kicking everywhere. BEN came running into the living room "offendy let my girlfriend go you nympho!!" (Nympho :to have a weird taste for having sex) BEN said running up to me and grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to him . "I'll be back..." he said walking out the door. "Any way I'm sorry about him and I found this note and it says 'everyone heard you screaming last night good thing sally thought you to were arguing , we went out for the day -slendy ."

I let out a very dry laugh. "Wanna go hunt ??" I said snuggling up to him on the couch

"If you wanna " he said wrapping his arms around me . "Alright" I said smiling and getting up. I walked out of the room and came back holding my hatchet I stole from ticci.  "Let's go to that hole that slendy made!" He said grabbing my hand. "Okay " I said following him to the hole

??? P.o.v

I was there eating my marshmallow sandwich mommy made me which I had carefully pulled the  'sanity medicine' out. Then Barrett and her gang came over and slapped me. I stood up and cut her down her cheek with my scissors I had from art. She screamed and her gang grabbed me and dragged me to a yard moth a big hole in the center. I  was falling down a hole a long hole and all her friends laughed at me. I fell on top of somthing smushy and wet. I looked down, still aching from falling , and I was drenched in ...blood? Gross!! "HELP ME PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE " I screamed  as loud as my 6 year old voice would let me. There was a door I started to bang on it before I noticed two voiced behind me. A man with blond hair, black eyes with red pupils , and some funny costume followed by a girl with ruby hair, emerald eyes , and some goth clothes came out. The girl had a axe as what it looked like and the boy had nothing at the moment. "BEN can we keep her I mean look at her black hair and purple eyes and she's small to please!!" The girl said "errr but slendy-" the boy began but she latched on to his arm and did the puppy eyes.  Why does she want me ?? "Fine becca only cause I love you " 'BEN' said. "Eeek " 'becca' said. "I'm Rebecca , you can call me that or mom" she said kneeling down. "And I'm BEN,  you can call me that or daddy" he sad kneeling down along with mommy. "And your name is ...?" Mommy said "um I can't remember? ?" I said scratching my head. "How about Gracie" mommy said and daddy nodded , "you'll come home with us Gracie ! There are alot of weird people that are now your new family so don't freak out " daddy said picking me up. "Do you remember where you live ?" Mommy said opening the door. "Yes mommy" I said wrapping my legs around daddy's waist. She laughed and told me to point to where. Most people looked at us strangely , a emo girl who looked not a day over 16, a boy who looked like a video game character , and a young girl covered in blood and ripped clothes . When we got to my old home I told mommy all the medicine I need. Anxiety, sanity , and other crap like that . She went downstairs and daddy covered my ears. Mommy came back covered in blood, my old mom's I suppose, and a bag of clothes and medicine. We walked down the road into the woods.

  At the Mansion.....

Gracie p.o.v

Mommy brought us inside the big mansion. There were alot of people. (I'm just gonna say the names not describ them xp) jeff, e.j, sally, masky , hoodie, slendy, trendy, herobrine, grinny, smile.jpg, squidward, etc. They eyed me like I was food or somthing . I clingged onto daddy tighter. Slendy spoke "I see we have a new addition " he said as though reading mommy's mind . Everyone looked at mommy and daddy... why?? "This is our little Gracie" mommy said grabbing me.

I will update the other stories  tomorrow sorry I'm tired !! Hope yall like Gracie !!.

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