We have dinner here ???

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A/N hey I will be updating everyday if possible and I'm new so I'm still trying to figure out the thingys I guess you can  call them and wow guys 8 readers, I know it's not alot but for me it is so let's get started !!!

Rebecca's p.o.v

They all introduced their selves...some of them were cool and some were just creepy. Slendy left the room and went into to the kitchen I followed. I stood there behind him holding Mr.deathangel, I heard murmuring behind me like they were talking about me, weirdos,. Slendy turned around and gave a big gasp "oh dear don't scare me like that!!" He said patting my head, do I look like a dog to him or mabye he ment to get Mr.deathangel but missed. "Did you , you just pet me?" I squeaked pretty angreyly. He had his back turned but clearly  saw my anger but he HAD NO eyes. "Yes dear but if you don't like it I well not do it again" he said in nicely. I went and sat in a green chair I put Mr.deathangel on the table . BEN came up to me and cleared his throat "do you wanna play video games??" He said shyly "oh-oh- okay " I said grabbing Mr.deathangel and followed him to the couch which was, with my luck, full. But BEN kicked them all off and told me to take a seat. I quickly got the best player and started my side. He just smirked and choose the weakest but I kept my trap shut . 'He's a glitch, but your second powerful as slendy says ' I thought to reassure my self. Slendy gave a smirk and chuckle "it's true dear" he said, he read my thoughts , cool. We started the match. Right when we started he started to glitch in and out behind me and his friends made it worse because they kept poking me and calling me names. Something strange happed Mr.deathangel and Sally's teddy bear came alive and went crazy and I won . "Haha world's greatest gamer my a**!!" I said confidently. "I let you win....." he grumbled. "Mmmhmmm" sally said trying to grab Mr.deathangel but he bit her hand. She shook her hand and sucked where he bit. I picked him up and got my computer and bag. I pulled out skittles, hershys, kitkat, and more and started to eat them but I noticed something was wrong. My money !!! Thoose bastards... "YOU ASSHATS GIVE ME MY MONEY" I screamed at masky and hoodie. I got into fighting position and so did Mr.deathangel. "what if they don't ??" Jeff said "I'll slit your throats and use some pillow stuffing to stuff you " i said in a demon voice. "Don't play with her emotions b-" slendy began but I launched at jeff ....because I wanted to ... and Mr.deathangel launched at masky, again besides ben hi looks the weakest , I had stabbed jeff and I heard cloth being ripped and Mr.deathangel scream, I turned around fire in my eyes , "BASTARDS". Hoodie tore off Mr.deathangel's arm. "OH shit" I heard BEN say "you shouldn't have done that " he added in. Slendy didn't notice or care. Two knifes came out of my sleeve , I don't know how they got there but they were there, I threw one at hoodie's stomach getting him right above the kidneys . He collapsed , masky started to run but I got him in the back. I ran to Mr.deathangel I held him tight. He was my best friend my whole life besides Vaughn but he disappeared along time ago like 2 years. They all started to clap 'the hell'??? I thought, slendy picked up masky and hoodie and sat them on the couch where jeff joined them. Sally started to fix them up with pink glittery gauze. The 'real ' Mr.deathangel walked out from under the table and said in a sweet squeaky voice "you passed the test !!" I grasped him tightly "what test " I questioned slendy "oh to see if you were the right girl" he said still cooking . I grumbled, stood up and walked over to the couch where the boys were stationed. "Your lucky that one was a fake or else I would have torcherded you slit the throats of your loved ones and beat your assets "I said in a terrifying demons voice. They looked at each other and scooted closer but jeff said somthing

"OH yeah little girl what if we don't have family"

" what do you call them "

"You can't take them all at once"

"Bitch please I can take you three , dome of the beat killers there are, and take you down over touching to my dog and money" *gulp* "yeah right "

"Watch your back asshat"

Slenderman called everyone to dinner. Food! I haven't seen food in forever. I don't get food ever. I pulled two stools to the wall out from under jeff and masky causing them to fall. I grabbed two bowls of mac and cheese and me and Mr.deathangel ate. "That thing can eat?" Jane said snidly "yes and it also mauls and kills so don't call him a 'thing' you bi**" I said scooping more mac and cheese into my mouth. The door bust open and in came a familiar face. He had chocolate brown hair and blue green eyes he had scars out lining his cheeks and arms. He was wearing a gray sweater bearing the words 'CONSTANCE ' and some blue jeans with no shoes. "Uh slendy um I got the cops on my tail....again" he said "Vaughn ?!?" I Said dropping my bowl "yeah yeah -wait becs??" He said directing his attention to me. (A/N Vaughn is based in my boy friend and his name is indeed Vaughn ) all of them stood up grasping there weapons "let's let Mr.deathangel and miss becs handle them" slendy said I grabbed Mr.deathangel who dropped his spoon of food and moaned. I hugged Vaughn he had Mrs.angeldeath in his sweater pocket. I ran out side grasping Mr.deathangel.  "alright little girl where is the criminal!" The female cop said "tha-tha- that's my brother he he he didn't mean it "I sobbed "dear he just slaughtered a family !!" "Please come here I need help please !!" I said in a low raspy whisper and Mr.deathangel crawled behind the other cops at the car and mauled them silently. I felt the whole mansion watching me. The cop kept her gun pointed in me buy she approached. I continued to sob like a baby. When she got closer my sobs turned into a mad man's laughter "are are you okay dear" she questioned shakily. I threw my head back and laughed. I kicked the gun out of her hand and dragged her into the woods. All anybody would hear was muffled women screams. I came back out covers in blood slightly twitching, she had shocked me, I went to where she dropped her gun and Mr.deathangel crawled up my back. I pointed the gun to the sky and shot it multiple times laughing. I pulled out out some matches and lit one. I opened the hood of the two cop cars. Tossed the Matches into the hood and walked away leaving one sleeping cop in the car to burn. I walked into the mansion like a BOSS with Mr.deathangel on my shoulder. They all scurried to their seats to make it look like they weren't watching. "Good job dear and it's time for bed" slendy said patting my head, oh come on!! "We have bed times ??" I asked shocked "yes and you will be staying with Mr . Vaughn." He continued, I blushed intensely and walked with Vaughn to his room. He let me have the bed and he'd sleep on the floor. Mr.deathangel fell asleep curled up in a small ball snoring like a kitten. Vaughn fell asleep quickly and with loud snores and I drifted to sleep thinking about what have I become? ??

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