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"The Mountains have changed, Jiro. It is time for you to head out and face the world."
He nodded, gripping a studded dagger given to him by his late father, "Yes, Mother. I know what must be done."
He left the small hut that he had known for years. Leaving behind his village and the people who had cared about him the most. Most importantly, leaving his Mother behind.
He had very few things with him, a rucksack of different fruits and foods. A gourd for water. A dagger, his preferred weapon. And a broad sword in case he might need a larger weapon.
Jiro was light on his feet, making quick time through the Mountains. Though he was alone. Stuck in his own mindset. His own aspirations and dreams clouded him while trying to finish his father's legacy.
"Jiro..." A man muttered within labored breaths.
Jiro glanced around, seeking the man who called to him but no man was around. A black shadow towered before him.
"Don't you remember your Daddy? It's me." He spoke, familiar but different.
Jiro drew his dagger, "You're no Daddy of mine. I can sense your lies like the I can sense the most forming around us."
"Good." The black figure threw himself at Jiro but was swiftly halted by a giant axe landing near his feet.
There was a moment of silence, then the clouds above shifted. Thunder off in the distance suddenly halted as well.
"The Mountains call to me." Jiro slowly sheathed his blade and knelt on one knee. "The Gods have found me, and have given me the aid that I desire."
"Your Gods are fools. False prophets fill your young mind with these lies of true aid. Only luck is with you." The Black Shadow spoke harshly and with resolve.
"That...that is where you are wrong." Jiro lifted his head to the sky and spread his arms like a bird readying to take flight. "Come! L'últim!"
Within moments did a beam of light shine above the axe now firmly planted in the ground. A soft breeze coming from the clouds before a loud crackle in the sky silenced the world.
Jiro laughed, "The Gods have answered my call."
The axe suddenly called to the air as a man grabbed it from the air and slammed it into the ground once again, large icicles piercing the ground one by one.
The God stood to his feet, a chilling air breathing around him. "Coty told me to watch over you. Jiro."
Jiro's eyes glimmered with excitement. "So it is you, Tanek."

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