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Ormi, Bill and Mike got to the inn and over heard Beverly talking

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Ormi, Bill and Mike got to the inn and over heard Beverly talking. "I've seen every single one of us.." Beverly said but Bill, Ormi and Mike came in. "You've seen every single one of us what?" Ormi asked.

"At the place that Stan wound up, that's how we end." Beverly said wiping her face. "Okay, how come the rest of us aren't seeing that shit? What makes her so different?" Richie asked. "The Deadlights." Mike said. "The Deadlights." Bill said. Beverly looked at Ormi. "You saw them too. You don't- You don't remember?" Beverly asked.

Ormi sat down next to her. "I remember, but I don't want to but yeah, I've seen stuff like that." Ormi told them. "They are the only ones of us that got caught in the deadlights." Bill said. "We were all touched by IT. Changed. Deep down like an infection or virus. A virus." Mike said. "That virus has been growing for 27 years. This whole time metastasizing. It just got Stan first because-" Mike was saying.

"He was the weakest." Richie cut him off. "False." Ormi defended. "I'm just saying what everyone was thinking." Richie said. "I mean what Ormi and Beverly sees will come to pass." Mike said.

"It's what'll happen to us eventually, unless we stop it." Mike explained. "And how do we do that?" Richie asked. "The Ritual of Chud. The Shokopiwah. The first ones who fought It. They have a saying 'All living things must abide by the law of the shape they inhabit'." Mike explained. "A tribal ritual?" Richie asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me man? There's got to be another way. Okay, this thing comes back what, every 27 years? Let's just kick the can down the road and do it then." Richie groaned. "We'll be 70 years old then asshole." Eddie said. "Such a smartass." Ormi giggled.

Beverly put her hand on Ormi's thigh and turned to her. "I see your still yourself." Beverly whispered. "It doesn't work that way." Beverly said. "Yeah, if we want this thing gone we have to kill it now or bad things will happen." Ormi said.

"So, if we don't beat this cycle then..." Ben said. "We die." Bill said. "Horribly." Eddie finished. "Yeah, I don't need the horribly part." Richie said. "I didn't say it, they said it, not me." Eddie said.

"Me a-and Ormi have seen wh-what he's talking about and it's- all true. It's the only way. If we want this ritual to work..." Bill said. "We have to remember." Mike said. "Remember what?" Richie asked.

"It's better if I show you. We don't have much time. His cycle will end soon and once it does..." Mike told them. "We're fucked." Eddie added. They walked through the town and walked to the barrens.

"This is where we went after the rock fight." Beverly said grinning. "The clubhouse." Richie said. "You built that for us." Beverly said smiling. "Yeah, the hatch has got to be around here someplace." Richie said. "I do remember that!" Eddie said.

They all walked around to search for it. "I actually think the door was more like.." Ben said stomping a little. "Around." Ben said then fell. Ormi quickly went to check on him while the rest just stood there. "Found it!" Ben said. "I'm okay! Come down!" Ben insured.

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