Slenderman x abused!fem!reader

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Yandere Slenderman

Y/n traveled into the forest running as fast as she could. Her bullies were hot on her tail and she was afraid they'd get her.

She had upset the queen bee of the school and now the jocks were after her. They caught up to her and Jack Heather's boyfriend punched her.

She fell to the floor crying as the other jocks Nathan and Micheal kicked her sides.

"This is what you get! For messing with heather!"
(Sorry if that's your name)

They beat her for a little while more and then left. You curled up into a ball and cried.
Slenderman was walking away from the mansion. The pastas were being to chaotic and he needed to be alone for a little while.

On his walk he heared the girl's cry and thinking that he could have his own snack he went towards her.

She cried for a little longer before getting up.

"Stupid bullies, stupid people being mean"

She said angrily with tears going down her face. She sniffled and wiped her tears. Her whole body hurt and she almost fell.

Slender looked at the girl curiously the more he looked at her the more he became intrigued with her.

He went closer to her as she fell to the ground she groaned. When she looked to his direction she was surprised and backed up but didn't scream.

"P-please don't kill me"

She whimperd weakly

He walked closer to her and crouched right in front of her. She was scared and her breath became rougher.

He caressed her cheek this confused her and she flinched. Her skin was soft and her light blush was evident.


He thought blushing slightly

He went closer to her without realizing it. She however relized and became even more scared and tears went down her face.

He whipped them leaning closer to her.

"W-what are you d-oing?!"

He didn't answer and kissed her. She tried to pull away however he wouldn't let her. After a bit he let her have air.

She coughed and inhaled as much air as she possibly could. She scooted back until she hit a tree.

He didn't know why he kissed her but he knew he wanted to do it again. He went closer to her and kissed her again.

She was shaking and kissed back this time afraid that he'd hurt her. He 'smiled' and pulled away.

He got up and handed his hand to her. She shakily grabbed his hand as he helped her up. She looked at him still shaking.

"How old are you child"


He nodded he would have to wait a year until he'd be able to take her but he was a patient man. He grabbed her hand to which frightened her. He could tell she was scared.

He took her to the end of the forest.

"When you become 18 and finish school I want you to come back to the forest. If you do not I will know."

She looked at him still scared and nodded. He kissed her one more time before walking towards the forest but before he could leave she asked.

"W-wait! What's your name?"

"Slenderman my dear"

"Its y/n"

He nodded and left to the mansion.

You weren't sure how to feel right now.

You limped your way home thinking about the man you met. You went inside your home and your family looked at you.

Your father got up from his couch as you walked towards him shaking.

"Where were you!"

You cringed at loudness in his voice.

"I-I was chased into the forest-"

He didn't really care but since you broke a rule he slapped you.


She started crying and ran to her room. She remembered the man she met in the forest. He was the only one who had been nice to her.

Slenderman was his name she remembered his featureless face. And his scary but calm and nice aura. She wondered why he would kiss someone as ugly as her.

Then her mind went to what he said "When your 18 and finish school. I want you to come back to the forest"

Why does he even care about someone so pathetic. She got and went towards the bathroom. She got the razor she had in her room.

Her mind was consumed with dark thoughts as she started to run the blade against her arm. This wasn't the first time she did this.

She felt a presence behind her and felt a hand grab the one with the blade.

"What are you doing child"

A voice growled behind her.

She looked at the mirror to see slender behind her. She didn't answer but had tears going down her face with a shameful look.

He snapped the razor in half as his arms snaked around her waist. He had her in a protective hold.

He looked at the blood going down her arm.


She knew exactly what he was asking.

"Every one hates me I'm abused by own my family and everyone at school avoids me or bullies me"

He nodded as you grabbed some stuff to clean your wound and bandage it. He watched you whine at the feeling of the rubbing alcohol on your wounds. You then bandage your arm before he grabbed your face gently.

He leaned in and kissed you for the fourth time. You were surprised but melted in it. He eventually pulled away to let you breath.

You blushed heavily but was still confused and scared of him. He caressed your cheek with his hand.

"They may not love you but I do. Dear if you do not stop I will make percussions to stop you from hurting yourself"

"Why do you even care! I'm pathetic, ugly, useless, and worthless."

He grabbed her chin roughly and made her look at him.

"You aren't any of those! You are anything but pathetic, you are beautiful, you are not useless or worthless. Your an amazing woman that was able to catch my love"

She looked at him flustered.

"Maybe I should take you away from this wretched place early"

She didn't know what to say but she still loved her family even though they hurt her.

"N-no I'm okay here"

She was still afraid of him

"Hmmm, if you keep cutting then I will take you whether you like it or not."

It really wouldn't matter it was almost the end of school and she was turning 18 next month.

He kissed her again

"You are mine I hope you understand this"

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