Chapter Eight (Unedited)

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Every waking second that Scarlett was awake made the pain only that much more severe. Scarlett, at some point, started to plead for her death. The voice was screaming at her, the image of the ladies face was burned into her brain, and the aches and pains that ravaged every crevice of her body only grew stronger with time. Tears were flooding out of her eyes but so was the blood. Blood poured from her ears, eyes, mouth, and nose.

At first, it was a slow drip, but with every second into the future, the blood drip grew to a steadier pace. It was eventually a constant flow of blood that leaked onto the pale white sheets of the bed. Scarlett was too weak to notice it; she was in her own mental battle. 

When the door was thrown open, Scarlett didn't even flinch. She couldn't find the energy to scream, thrash, cry --- anything. She was absolutely drained of every bit of energy that she held. She could see, from the small openings of her eyes, that Brandon and Jacklyn were urgently trying to wake her from her state. But, the voice screamed louder than both of them combined. Scarlett felt a small object thrown into her mouth, and she could feel herself chew on it. Thankfully, the rest of it dissolved.

But, things only quieted a little bit in her head before it was put on full blast. The voice didn't just scream, it shrieked to the high heavens. Scarlett let out a faint cry as she brought her hands to cover her ears; she thought that maybe it would have dimmed the noise just a bit. Even a decibel quieter would have been better, but it never did calm down. 

Scarlett could feel Jacklyn grab her hand and grasp it for dear life while Brandon was feeling over her forehead. She could make out a muted cuss word before she recognized that Brandon pulled her right eye-lid open. The light was blinding. Scarlett could see in visions that she thought was not possible; the world was now a burning red. Every color that she saw was some sort of variation of red. The few other colors that she could see were blistering, bright as the sun. They weren't a bit vibrant; they were pulsing with color. 

She let out a scream as her arms finally found their energy. She smacked at Brandon's hand as her eye instantly shut close. Pain throbbed around her forehead as the sensitivity was beyond anything that she was used to. 

Somewhere in between the energy boost, the voice started to quiet down, and the image of the woman started to fade away into the void. The heat that flooded over Scarlett started to cool down, but it still radiated from her chest to her head. The pains that worked its way around every inch of her body started to dim, but she was left in an indescribable ache. 

Her eyes fluttered open, and she was able to look at Brandon. However, the weird vision was still evident, and the light that irritated her eyes continued to flood in from every corner of the room. Scarlett hissed at the light and shielded her eyes as she could finally hear the all too familiar sound of silence. She could make out the quiet huffs of both Brandon and Jacklyn, but, other than that, she was thankful to hear nothing else. 

"Scarlett," Jacklyn's voice was hushed. She could hear her attempt to hold back tears. But, nevertheless, only seconds later, Jacklyn's sobs echoed in the background. Scarlett stirred and cautiously opened her eyes; the light was still obnoxiously bright, but she decided to tough it out for the sake of her girlfriend. 

Scarlett forced her eyes to look around the room. Brandon and Jacklyn were at her bedside with Brandon was in an exhausted slope, and Jacklyn was attempting to hold back tears that were on the verge of falling. Scarlett reached her hand up and brushed it against the side of Jacklyn's cheek. It may have been something small, but Scarlett could see the relief that flooded in her girlfriend's face. Scarlett knew that despite her pain, she was still very much alive. Granted, she didn't know what the hell was happening to her, but she knew that she wouldn't be brought down to death's door that easily. 

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