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Sam's POV

I had just gotten Kat a drink when I heard a light knock on my door. I thought it was weird because my friends hardly ever knocked and even when they did they knocked hard. I walked over to the door and opened it up slowly. On the other side was a beautiful brunette girl with a cute blue dress. This must be the girl Jake had told me about. He said Kat liked her music,

"Hey! Are you Ellie? Jake said you just moved here. I'm Sam." I put my hand out for her to shake.

She took my hand and shook it softly, "Yeah I am. It's so nice to meet you, I've been a fan of all of you for so long. This is such an honor."

I chuckled and opened the door wider so she could come inside with everyone else, "The pleasure is ours, we love meeting new people, why don't you come in and have some pizza. It was just delivered a few minutes ago."

She nodded and stepped inside, she looked nervous but I figured after a few minutes once she got to know people she would feel more comfortable. The first person I wanted to introduce her to was Kat so I called her over. Kat's eyes got extremely wide when she saw Ellie.

"No way! Ellie, your music is so amazing, and you're so pretty. I can't believe you're here!"

I laughed softly and walked away to let them talk.

Ellie's POV

I smiled at Sam as he walked away then turned my attention back to Kat, "I can say the same thing about you. Under My Skin was such an amazing album. I was listening to it on my way here. This is like a dream come true for me." My voice was a little shaky because I was so happy, "Could I please have a hug."

Kat nodded and pulled me into a hug, "This is amazing. I remember when you did a cover of Blue Roses, it was amazing!"

I smiled nervously and pulled back from the hug, I was so nervous that she wouldn't like me and that Jake was lying about her listening to my music. I never thought a musician would listen to and enjoy my music.

Kat pulled me out of my thoughts,

"Why don't you go mingle with everyone," she looked over near the kitchen and I followed her gaze, my eyes landed on Aryia and my breath caught, his eyes were on me too,

"I think someone is checking you out." She added in a quieter voice. She winked and started to walk away.

I quickly looked away from Aryia and walked over to the couch where no one else was. There was absolutely no way this was happening, this had to be a dream. I needed to wake up if it was. I started to pinch myself when I felt the couch dip down slightly. I took a deep breath and looked over to see Aryia, I smiled and tried not to look like I was panicking inside,

"Oh hey, I'm Ellie. How's it going?" Here I was next to my favorite artist and all I could think to say was how's it going.

He smiled and held out his hand,

"Hey, I'm Aryia. It's going great. But , welcome to LA. How do you like it so far?"

I shook his hand while I tried to figure that what to say, "I-uh, I love it. Everyone has been so nice, and I'm meeting my favorite people ever. Shit, I didn't mean to say that last part out loud." I laughed nervously to ease some of my embarrassment.

He chuckled softly and let go of my hand, "It's okay, I thought it was cute, no need to be embarrassed."

My chest started to get tight which I knew meant I was close to a panic attack, he just called something I did cute, I was struggling to breathe.

"I'm going to get some pizza." I said quickly. Aryia nodded before I stood up and walked away. I felt bad for just leaving Aryia but I needed to get out of that apartment, instead of going to get pizza I made my way to the door. There was no way I could stay there any longer without having a panic attack. I looked around quickly to make sure no one was watching as I slipped out the door. I walked quickly to my apartment in hopes that no one would come out into the hallway. I was unlocking my door when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I jumped and screamed before turning and seeing Kat.

She had a worried look on her face, "Oh my gosh, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you didn't look too good when you walked out of the door. Did Aryia say something that upset you?"

I shook my head and continued to unlock my door. "No he didn't say anything, I just got super nervous, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack." I opened the door and walked in, motioning her to do the same. I don't know why I didn't feel as nervous around Kat, she just had such a calming energy.

She gave me a sympathetic look and walked in behind me. "Oh girly, it happens, I did the same thing when I met Sam." She said with a small giggle, "Are you feeling any better now that you got some air?"

"I think so, I can actually breathe now, so that's good I guess." The redness had left my cheeks too.

Kat smiled, "Do you want to go back and get some pizza? Maybe you need some pizza to get you through the night." She started to wiggle her eyebrows which made me laugh.
I did want to go back to pizza night, I wanted to talk to everyone else and apologize to Aryia. Now that I had made it through the star struck stage I felt like I could actually have a conversation with him.

"Let's go!" I said with a smile. We walked out and I locked my apartment again. Kat and I walked in which caused everyone to look in our direction, I waved shyly and went to grab a slice of pizza. I looked around for Aryia after I got my pizza but he didn't seem to be in the apartment.i walked over to Sam who was playing on his phone,

"Hey Sam, where did Aryia go?"

Sam looked up at me, before quickly looking around the room, "I don't know, he must have left. He told me he had some editing to do but he said he would probably do it tomorrow."

I nodded, "Thanks Sam, I think I'm going to head out too, I'm super tired from traveling."

He smiled and stood up to give me a hug, "It was great meeting you Ellie. I hope you had fun. If you ever need anything feel free to come ask me." He pulled back and sat down. I waved and went to find Kat to tell her I was leaving.

I found her in the kitchen getting a refill,

"I'm heading home Kat. I'm completely beat." I told her.

She sat her cup down and gave me a hug as well, "Wait, can I have your number? Me and there girls were going to get our nails done, they want to meet you."

"Uh yeah sure." We exchanged numbers and set each other's names in our contacts before I left. I settled in to bed for the night soon after and drifted off to sleep rather quickly.

A/N: woohoo! Chapter 3, do you think Ellie scared Aryia off or did he actually have something else to do? This was a longer chapter than usual because I felt bad for making y'all wait so long. I hope y'all enjoyed! Much love 💋💋
1342 words

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