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*Ellie's pov*

I layed my suitcase on the floor and went over to the kitchen with everyone. Leaning against the counter, I took a bite of the cookie I had grabbed.

Aryia greeted the boys and caught up with them for a minute before he started asking about the trip. I could tell he wasn't very excited that I was going without him. He kept asking if they had plans for if someone would get hurt or how anyone would know if we all died.

After hearing all his nonsense I smacked the back of his head lightly, "Quit being so worried about us. I'm sure they everything under control. They do this all they time."

Aryia grabbed me protectively and looked at the boys, "If any of you pull anything funny on her I will cancel you. Not that I think you guys would, but I warned you." His gaze stayed on Colby the longest.

I shook my head and looked at Sam, hoping he could calm Aryia down some.

"Dont worry dude, she'll be safe. Plus we all have girlfriends, well except Colby but he wouldn't steal Ellie from you. Right Colby?"

Colby nodded, "Of course man, Ellie's great but I don't see her like that."

With a sad look on his face Aryia let go of me. "Please at least put longer shorts on, those are cute but they are very revealing. I don't want any hot ghost prisoners to hit on you." We all laughed, Aryias sense of humor really was something else.

I was planning on changing my pants anyway, I didn't know what all we would be doing at the reformatory and didn't want to risk having so much skin exposed. I could get cut by anything in there and end up with an infection.

I quickly ran to my room and slipped on a pair of jeans. I assumed we'd be heading straight to the prison after we landed and didn't want to create any extra stops for me to change. I was already going to create a few problems as the only girl going.

When I came back out Sam said we should head out a little early incase any set backs happened at the airport.

Colby leaned close to my ear while Aryia was talking to Jake,"We're going to grab our stuff from Sam's apartment. You should probably talk to Aryia. He was getting teary eyed while you were changing."

I nodded and looked up at him,"Thanks for the heads up. I'll meet you guys in the parking lot in 5?"

Colby nodded and left my apartment followed by Jake and Sam.

Aryia immediately pulled me into a big hug and peppered my cheeks with kisses.

"I can't believe your going to that old prison. That place is scary."

I rested my forehead against his and smiled, "I've been there before plus its near my parents house. If something happens to go wrong we'll be okay. I'll call you whenever I can and I'll text you every few hours."

He sighed and kissed me again. "Please just be safe, you don't have to do any of the demon summoning rituals with them or anything. Payne would probably kill you if you got possessed. "

My eyes widened, "I haven't told Payne I'm going. Could you possibly tell him when he gets up? I don't want to wake him up right now. He's scary when you wake him up early."

Aryia nodded, "I guess, but if he kills me I'm coming back to haunt you. I will constantly be knocking things off the counter."

I laughed and layed my head on his shoulder, enjoying the hug. It would be the last one for a few days and I knew I'd have to head down soon.

"Do you want to walk down with me?"

Aryia nodded and slipped his shoes back on. I grabbed my bags and started pulling them to the door, denying Aryias requests to take them down for me. I slipped on my pair of black Vans and followed Aryia out the door.

The boys and I said good bye to Aryia as we packed into an uber which took a lot longer than I expected. Eventually we had to leave and I waved to Aryia one last time before we drove off.

We debated for a while on the way to the airport about the expenses. I tried to tell Sam I'd pay for a separate hotel room and anything else they needed me to but he said he already had it covered and didn't want me to pay for anything anyway. We finally settled on me buying food for the trip, after I told him I felt bad not paying for anything.

Once we got to the airport, we were able to get through pretty smoothly, only being stopped at security because I had forgotten to take my keys out of my pocket. That was embarrassing to say the least.

I offered to get the boys some food but they all claimed to be full from the cookies they had earlier. I knew that was a lie, I could tell they were just afraid to ask for something.

"Well I'm going to get a snack we still have like 25 minutes untill boarding right? Anyone want to come along? Food is on me for the rest of the trip." I waved my wallet my wallet at them and raised my eyebrows .

Jake finally decided to come with me. "Where are we getting food jingles?"

I turned to him with a confused expression, "Jingles? What am I, an elf?"

He laughed, "No I just think its funny because keys jingle and you forgot to take your keys out of your pocket."

I shrugged and sighed, it was better than him calling me Aryias girlfriend like he had for the past month.

Colby looked at us, "Jake, don't make her spend all her money on you. And please don't let Jake guilt you into buying him a bunch of random stuff."

"I won't." Jake and I said at the same time, causing us both to laugh, Colby cracked a smile and looked back at his phone.

I took that as my que to start walking towards the Taco bell that wasn't to far from where we had sat.

After we had gotten close enough for Jake to figure out where we were going he stopped and looked at me. "Are you really getting Taco bell at 4 in the morning?"

I kept walking, I was on a mission. "Yeah, why not?"

Jake ran to catch back up and smiled, "I respect it jingles."

"Thanks. What do Colby and Sam usually get? I want to get them food."

Jake ordered for himself and the other boys and I got my usual order. I payed and grabbed our food while Jake and I dance walked back to Sam and Colby. The airport was playing some song that neither of us knew but we still groved along to it.

Sam laughed and recorded us while Colby shook his head like a disappointed dad. Jake handed them their food while I continued to dance to the song. Once it ended I sat down and started eating. Jake and I continued to mess around. It was nice to be bonding with him because I definitely wasn't as close to him or Colby as I was to Sam. Eventually we got Sam and Colby to join us laughing. I could tell this trip was going to be interesting.

A/N:Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a bit all over the place but im pretty happy with it. As always stay beautiful 💋💋

1290 words

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