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Ellie's POV

The whole date with Aryia was going amazing, after a few minutes we were laughing and talking like we had known each other for years, it was almost cliche.

As we finished our meal I started to pull out my wallet, I hated when people payed for my stuff so I always tried to beat them to it.

"I'll get the bill, it's no big deal." Aryia said with a small smirk.

That smirk could kill me, it was cute but still had a hot element to it. I hated and loved it at the same time which was slightly annoying. I didn't like that I had taken a liking to someone so quickly, Payne would be smacking me upside the head of he knew about my crush on Aryia. I can just imagine the look he's going to give me when I tell him, I'll definitely have to tell him in person.

"I'll pay for dinner then if you want to we could go get ice cream or something." Me from an hour ago never would have told Aryia that we could get ice cream, I would've been trying to get this date over with, now I didn't want it to end. You only get one first date, and for all I knew this could be our last date, I wanted this to go on as long as it could.

He reluctantly put his card back in his wallet, "I'm paying when we get ice cream. And I'll take you to my favorite place to eat ice cream."

I smiled and handed the waitress my card as she approached, "Well then as soon as this wonderful lady comes back with my card we can head out. Did you drive here?" Even if he didn't drive we could walk to the ice cream place up the street, the reviews looked pretty good online.

He shook his head, "No I rode her with Kat and Sam, who by the way have been watching us the whole time."

I laughed at looked at Kat, she looked away and started laughing with Sam, I looked back at Aryia who was laughing as well, "She's like the Paparazzi." I joked, I meant nothing bad by the comment, I thought that her little plan to set me up with Aryia was super sweet.

"Except she's not taking a bunch of pictures of us." Aryia replied as the waitress came back with my card.

I slid the card back in my purse and left a tip for the waitress. "Are you ready? I thought we could walk up to the little ice cream shop that's a few doors down." I slid out of the booth and stood up. I pulled down my skirt since it had slid up a little and looked at Aryia, he had already stood up and grabbed his phone and wallet.

"I'm ready, do you want to say bye to Kat and Sam?."

I shook my head, "I'll text Kat later, let's go get ice cream!" Ice cream was my favorite, specifically mint chocolate chip.

I took a step closer to Aryia and decided to be bold, I grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers. To my surprise he smiled and went along with it.

As we walked towards the door with our hands interlocked I caught Katrina taking pictures, "The paparazzi just got us." I said holding back my giggles.

He turned and smiled at Kat as she said snapped another picture. "Let's go before she mobs us."

We walked out the door and headed down the street, the sun was just starting to set so I was staring off into the horizon. Sunsets were my favorite time to write music, they always calmed me which made it easier to write.

"How do you get inspiration to write music?" I asked, looking up at him. It was a strange question to ask out of the blue but I was curious.

He thought the question over, making a few different faces as he did so, "As strange as it sounds, storms. I like listening to the rain on the roof, I write a lot of music while it rains. I've only written a few songs when it wasn't raining."

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