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*Ellie's POV*

Once we all got ready we headed to our favorite Denny's. We knew all the servers and I particularly missed my favorite server, Brandy. I'd know her for as long as I could remember. She was always in the front row of any performance I was in, cheering along with my parents. Brandy and her husband used to have date nights with my parents which meant I got to hang out with their daughter Chloe, who was around my age, all the time. Sadly her daughter and I had a falling out a few years back when I caught her making out with my boyfriend in the hallway. Now every time I saw her I had to bite my tongue and try and be nice. A few of our mutual friends had informed me that she talked about me behind my back all the time but now that I lived in LA it didn't matter. I had other things to worry about.

I introduced Sandy to Aryia and soon after we were eating the best breakfast ever. We were all getting along and laughing when I looked up at the door and saw Chloe walk in with Chase. One of the many football players she had been on and off with in highschool, specifically the one she had been with when I caught her with my boyfriend.

I looked over at Payne who had also noticed them walk in. "Here we go." He mouthed to me. Payne had been the only person besides Chloe and I to know about the fall out. Our parents thought we had just gotten to busy to hang out.

"I don't know if I can be nice to her." I mouthed back.

We both cringed as we heard her voice right by our table.

"Oh my gosh, Elle. I haven't seen you in so long! How are you?"

To anyone else this may seem normal but I could tell how fake she was being.

I managed to work up a smile and looked up at her.

"I'm great, I just got back in town. I came with my boyfriend and Payne from LA to visit for a few days. How're you Chloe?"

She giggled a bit and looked at Aryia. The way she checked him out made me want to rip her fake blonde hair out of her head.

"I'm great too! But you're being a bit rude don't you think love? You didn't even introduce me to your handsome boyfriend." Chloe stuck her hand across the table in Aryia's direction. "I'm Chloe!"

Aryia looked slightly uncomfortable but politely shook her hand. "I'm Aryia. Nice to meet you."

I was already done with her and wanted to get her away from Aryia. I trusted Aryia but I didn't trust Chloe and her man stealing past.

"Hey Chloe, we have a few minutes before we have to leave. How about we go catch up outside?" I quickly glanced over to Payne who looked just as uncomfortable as Aryia.

She smiled, "Why not?"

I got up from our booth and started walking to the door. Once we were outside I made sure we were away from the big windows so no one would be able to see my body language.

"How was LA?" She asked, very obviously being sarcastic.

"Cut the crap. Don't even think about going after Aryia you boyfriend stealing bitch. We're not staying in town long anyway. Don't get used to seeing us around." I knew better than to threaten her, she'd twist my words and get me in trouble some how.

"What do you mean Elle? You're my bestie, I'd never steal your boyfriend." She let out a witchy cackle and pulled out her phone. After looking through a few notifications,she looked back up at me. "Not that it's any of your business but we need to go. I'll see you and your hot boyfriend around. Muah!" She said as she blew a kiss. As I walked back in the restaurant I saw Chase walk out. He leaned down a bit, close enough for him to talk to me but not close enough to get anyone's attention. "I look forward to seeing you in those shorts again." He bit his lip and smiled as he walked away I tried not to throw up in my mouth and walked back to the booth with everyone.

My mom looked up at me and smiled, "I've always loved those two. They're such sweet kids." She was clueless, just like my dad. But I guess what they don't know won't hurt them.

I laughed and nodded along, "Me too!"

Since everyone was finishing up I pulled out my card and put it on the table. "Mom, will you tell Brandy bye for me, and go ahead and use my card? I'm going to go start dad's car. And Payne will you come with me?"
We were taking separate cars, me Payne and Aryia being in one while my parents rode by themselves.

Payne nodded and Aryia said he was going to use the bathroom before we headed out.

As soon as Payne and I got in the car he was asking what happened. I gave him a brief rundown of the short conversation, trying to hold in my tears of anger.

"I saw the way she eyed Aryia, like a cat watching their pray. Absolutely disgusting." Payne said shaking his head.

I had lost the fight with my tears but I didn't really care anymore.

I heard the car door open and looked over at Aryia, I smiled and shifted over so he could ride in the backseat with me.

He noticed I was crying and quickly wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong country girl?"

I wiped away the tears and shook my head. "Chloe, she's not really my friend. I actually really hate her, she made me angry. Back in highschool I caught my boyfriend cheating with her and well it was kind of hard to be friends with her after that."

Aryia rubbed my back but pulled away to put on his seatbelt while I did the same.

"Baby, you always tell me to ignore that kid that constantly sends me hate, do you think you could do the same for her?" Aryia was trying his best to be sympathetic but Chloe wasn't some internet troll. She was a snake.

I smiled and decided to drop it for now,after all we were headed to one of my favorite places. "Yeah, I probably won't see her anymore anyway."

A/N:Hey guys, I don't have anything to really say today so I guess as always. Stay beautiful!💋💋
1103 words

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