Choices (14)

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After hearing what Malfoy and Snape had said, I was reluctant to socialise with him. The thought of him actually being a real life death eater who killed people for pleasure made me want to curl up into a little ball and whiter away. Whenever Harry spoke of it being a possibility, I always knew there was heaps of room left for doubt. He didn't actually have any decisive evidence. But actually listening to Malfoy indirectly confirm it scared me more than ever.

The detentions were silent and awkward. I didn't know what to say to him and he made no motion to speak to me first. I aimed to finish my lines as quickly as possible. Our tutoring sessions came to an end too. We were both busy people, I had argued, my grades were getting much better and I knew enough to stay on top for a while. He had just shrugged and walked off. The fact that he didn't seem to care bothered me a lot. I didn't know why.

The day of the Quidditch match against Gryffindor and Hufflepuff came and everyone was so excited. I wasn't interested at all. In fact, I was getting kind of sick of it. Sure, my boyfriend is playing and everything but if I had to hear "Give Potter a big kiss after the game" one more time...

"Hey Manda, room for one more?" Harry gestured to the plush arm chair that I was sitting in. I moved over so he could squash next to me.

"I guess Ron's nickname really caught on huh?" I said darkly. Ron had decided that saying my full name Amanda was too much of a mouthful for him.

"I can't believe that saying Amanda is a mouthful but saying Hermione isn't," I scoffed.

"Yes, but he loves her you see?" Harry explained "And he doesn't love you in that way which I'm very thankful for." He put both his arms around me and kissed my cheek lovingly. I giggled.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him.

"Just about Mclaggen." His face grew darker "He keeps pestering me and the other team mates."

"I know," I grimaced as I remembered how many of our nights spent alone together was constantly interrupted by Mclaggen wanting to talk about a new strategy or something.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I promise I'll make it up to you."

I tilted my head upwards for another kiss but he had moved out of the armchair.

"We should go down there now," he said looking at his watch. "I don't want to be late for the game."

I nearly groaned out loud. Quidditch was ruining my life!

I nearly had to run to keep up with Harry.

"Slow down," I laughed. He could barely keep the excitement off his face.

"Sorry babe I'm just so excited!" He put his arm around my waist and started to explain to me why he loved Quidditch so much only to stop abruptly. I followed his gaze and saw Malfoy with Pansy and another girl walking towards us.

They stopped short when they saw Harry and me. Malfoy's eyes seemed to linger on Harry's arm around my waist. He had been doing that a lot lately...

"Where are you going?" Harry demanded.

"Yeah, I'm really going to tell you, because it's your business Potter," Malfoy sneered. "You better hurry up. They'll be waiting for the Chosen Captain- The Boy Who Scored- whatever they call you these days."

Pansy giggled nastily and threaded her arm through Malfoy's. I suddenly felt a pang in my chest. Like a small heart ache. My pain must have reflected on my face because I could see Malfoy staring at me.

"Is there something wrong Cornwall?" he asked. I knew he wasn't being sincere, not in front of Pansy and Harry.

"Fine thanks," I responded politely. Pansy gave a shrill laugh and clung onto Malfoy's arm even more. There it was again. That gut wrenching feeling. Why was I feeling this way?

"Harry, let's go." I pulled him away from them and we continued walking down to the Quidditch pitch. He looked reluctant to leave and kept looking bad. I wanted to look back too. I wanted to see where he was going with those two girls. Probably to his dorm, I thought bitterly. Wait, why did I care? What Malfoy did- or who he did was none of my business. I definitely didn't care about him.

But as hard as I tried, I couldn't convince myself that the pain I was feeling wasn't because of the two girls around him. I could feel tears slowly starting to gather in my eyes. I couldn't let Harry see this. He had to concentrate and I didn't feel  like explaining  myself to him.

"Harry," I stopped walking. "You go down first." He looked at me, confused.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, I just realized I left something behind in the common room," I lied. "You go down first. You can't be late."

"If you're sure..." he said hesitantly.

"Yes. Now go!"

He winced at my forceful tone. Shoot! Too harsh Amanda!

"It won't look good if the captain is ten minutes late will it?" I said softly. He managed to buy the excuse and walked off. I let out a sigh of relief, turned around and ran.


The Astronomy tower gave a great view of the lake. It was perfect for finding people on school grounds. I had no idea what I was doing up there. I had to take this opportunity to work on my mission. But I just had a feeling that someone needed to be found.

I saw her sitting at that exact same place where I found her last time. Sitting against a tree trunk by the lake's edge. I could tell she was sad, but why?

I walked up quietly behind her. I could hear her muffled sobs. I sat down beside her and pulled her into my arms.


I felt someone pull me into their arms. I looked up to see Malfoy

"What are you doing here?" I asked icily. He was a little taken aback by my tone of voice.

"I'm here for you." His voice was friendly again. So caring and considerate. That just made me even angrier.

"Well I rather you weren't so just leave." I looked away from him.

"I can tell something's wrong," he said.

"Well no shit Sherlock! Is me wiping away my tears not obvious enough for you?"

He chuckled "Normally I would ask what the hell a "Sherlock" is but I want to know what's wrong."

"Yeah, I'm really going to tell you, because it's your business Malfoy," I mimicked.

"Ah, you're angry about the way I treated your boyfriend," he smirked.

"No!" I denied.

"Why are you even going out with him anyway?" Malfoy asked.

"That's none of your business," I snapped.

"Actually it is!" He snapped back.

"What! Why?"

"Because I Love You!'

"Oh really? Well you can just- Wait...What?!" I stared at him, shocked. Was this some kind of sick joke?

"You heard me. I Love You. I have for a while now and I can't stand the fact that you're with Potter." He said Potter like it was the most disgusting word he had ever uttered.

"What?" I asked again.

He sighed. "You were always very slow Cornwall."

He then bent down and kissed me.


Whoo! He finally admists that he likes her!! It took ages to figure out what was the best way to get him to confess. Hopefully this way was good enough.  Hope to receive your votes people!

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