Choices (24)

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The rest of the day was filled with me drinking countless potions that would supposedly help and listening to my three "friends" who reminded me of important events in my life.

The Hermione girl had gone all crazy and rushed off to bring back flash cards to help me and was now teaching me her system or whatever. Ron was constantly babbling about random things that had happened to me as well as adding his own personal opinion about them and Harry was just...weird. He looked so pale and his face was in a permanent state of worry and regret. I wondered why.

"Alright stop," I lifted up my hands for them to cease talking. They stopped and just looked at me worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked.

"You guys have been great about telling me about my life do I know you again?" My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Since when did I have friends like this?

"Oh my god! I can't believe we forgot to explain that!" Hermione's cheeks flushed. I could tell she was a perfectionist.

"I didn't forget, I was just getting to that," Ron shot back at her.

"Of course you were Ronald."

"No ,I really was unlike you."

"Don't lie, you forgot just like the rest of us."

Instead of helping me, the both of them were arguing furiously. But there was something about the way they were arguing that gave me a feeling that there was more than friendship between them. If they were a couple, then who was Harry with?

"Guys," I called weakly. They didn't respond

"Guys!" I yelled at them. They both fell silent. "Can we just focus on me getting my memory back?"

"Of course." Hermione's cheeks were a flaming red now.

" do I know you guys?" I asked.

"Well..." Hermione looked uncomfortable "You met Ron and I briefly at the dining table. But Harry..."

She glanced over at Harry.

"Harry what?"

" had a crush on Harry."

My eyes widened. Was she for real? I liked the guy who saved us from evil Voldemort or whatever? Well, I guess my taste wasn't too bad...

"...And then?" I wanted to continue.

"Well, one night he... "She looked over at Harry again.

"Can you tell me the story instead" I asked Harry, annoyed with Hermione's stops.

"Um...well basically, I liked you too." He finished off Hermione's sentence.

"Ok, keep going." Wow, he liked me back huh? I sure knew how to get them.

He stared at me for a minute before continuing "Well, I kissed you one night and we became a couple. There, end of story."

"What?" Was that it? Somehow his worried expression and the looks the three of them were giving each other told me otherwise. "Tell me the truth!"

"That is the truth," Harry insisted.

"No it's not! There's more to this than you're telling me."

"Alright, "Harry sighed in defeat "We...broke up a few times. But we're right as rain now."

"Uh-huh." I sighed. I guess that was the whole story. I was too tired from lying in bed all day to oppose him.

"Madam Pomfrey, when can I get out of here?" I asked her when she came to give me more medicine.

Choices ( a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now