Choices (20)

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As I sat in the common room by the fire, I couldn't help but wonder what Draco had to do. I knew his task was to kill Dumbledore, but how exactly was he going to do it? I had to speak to him, but I couldn't get to his common room and I had no idea where he was in the room of requirement. If only-

"Amanda!" A bottle of ink flew my way.

"Oh my god!" I jumped out of my seat, just narrowly missing being hit. I looked to see Fred and George grinning.

"Nice reactions," they said synchronised.

"This could have exploded all over me," I said, picking up the bottle.

They both stayed quiet, as if waiting for something.

"What are you guys-"


The bottle of ink exploded and ink splashed all over my hand.  Some droplets of ink had managed to spray onto my clothing and had left small stains all over my pyjamas.


Both started laughing at their practical joke. They swivelled around to an watching audience and bowed.

"This is one of the new merchandise that will be heading into our stores! Pre order now!" they announced.

Pretty soon a bunch of people were crowding around Fred and George wanting to make an order. I was left standing by the fireplace with ink stained clothes and a bloody hand from the cut glass.

"Your joke is faulty!" I yelled at them. "The stupid glass cut my hand!"

Both immediately turned their attention to me, their face paled. 

"F-Faulty?" As quick as lightning they both jumped up and raced to examine my hand. 

"I bet you never thought of the consequences of exploding glass bottles did you?" I smirked.

"Sorry Amanda," they apologised soberly. I laughed.

"Don't worry about it."

"Are you ok?"

I looked behind me to see Harry holding a bowl and a wash cloth.

"Fine thanks," I replied. For some reason, I felt awkward and uncomfortable. The guilt was beginning to eat me alive from the inside. He had to know, but I couldn't bear to tell him.

"Sit down," he ordered, placing the bowl on the table. I did as he said.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he sat down next to me.

"I'm bandaging your hand." He took my hand and placed it in the bowl to soak. "This will make it feel better."

Sure enough, I began to feel the pain slip away. When he lifted my hands out of the liquid, my cuts had stopped bleeding and had already started to heal. Harry wrapped the cloth around my hand to dry it. He was being extremely careful and gentle, like my hand was glass.

While he was concentrating on my hand, I took this time to observe him. He looked the same as always, except tireder. His dreams must have been keeping him awake. His jet black hair was messy and tousled and his glasses were crooked and needed a bit of cleaning. From the way he was handling me, I could tell he still liked me, a lot. But I couldn't feel anything that I felt for him again. I just couldn't. I was in love with Draco Malfoy.  My Slytherin Prince.

"All done," he said once he was finished bandaging it.

"Thanks Harry," I said softly. He looked into my eyes intently then quickly leant forward and placed his lips on mine.'

"Mm," I squirmed. What was he doing?

"Harry!" I gently pushed him away from me. "We can't do this anymore. We're broken up."

"I...I didn't think you were being serious."

Was he serious or just stupid?

"I was being serious. I no longer like you like that anymore."

"Is it because of the Ginny thing, because that was a mistake."

"No, it's not because of the Ginny thing. I just don't feel the same way about you anymore. Let me go," I said gently.

He stayed silent for a while then looked up at me. "Never."


I was walking to the infirmary. My cut hand had started to ache and I was hoping Madam Pomfrey would be able to fix it. It was dark. Everyone was in their Common rooms. I could have waited till morning but the pain was preventing me from sleeping.

Just as I was about to turn the corner, I heard an argument coming from one of the classrooms. It was 2am, who could possibly be awake at this time apart from me?

Cautiously, I put my ear up close to the door.

"You don't have the guts to do it," one voice said.

"You don't know that, "said another unknown person.

I strained my ears so I could make out the voices.

"You're not going to kill me Draco."

My heart froze. Draco was in there?

Shocked, I flung the door open to see Draco and Dumbledore, their wands pointed at each other.  Draco turned to look at the intrusion, his eyes widening as he saw me. His back was now to Dumbledore, whose wand had lowered upon seeing me.


I was about to respond but stopped as I saw Dumbledore raise his wand again.

"Draco!" I screamed, trying to warn him of Dumbledore's sneak attack. But I was too late.


Everything seemed to happen in slow motion then. An eerie green light filled the room and Draco slowly crashed to the floor, a stunned expression on his face like he didn't know what was happening. He lay limp on the floor, motionless...dead.

"DRACO!" I screamed, hoping that he would awaken and tell me this was a joke. He couldn't be dead. He just couldn't. I collapsed onto the floor and bowed my head down to his body, sobbing.  I looked up again to see where Dumbledore had gone. I wanted to kill him for this. I was blinded by my tears but I could still see the outline of the frail old man pointing his wand at me.

"Avada Kedava."

And my world turned black.


Alright, i know this looks like a horrible horrible twist but it really isnt.

To find out what happens next, vote and comment...a lot XD

hope ur enjoying it so far

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