New York

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*this one shot was requested awhile ago like in December but I just remembered it and thought it was super cute so enjoy

Emma's POV

"E you ready to go?"
"Yeah just give me a sec!"

Ethan and I decided to go on a spontaneous trip to New York for the weekend.

I presented the idea of going on a trip to New York a couple weeks ago but the two of us both realized our schedules were insanely busy and we kinda forgot about the trip.

Until last night when I suggested we go on a spontaneous trip the next morning.

Normally I was never the type of person to do things suddenly but for some reason it sounded fun.

Ethan knew how much I loved the city so he agreed with me.

Now, the morning was here and I was trying to get him out the door

We had packed late last night so we could leave early in the morning. I wanted to get a head start before the morning LA traffic began

But clearly my plan didn't go as expected

It was now almost 12:00 pm and we had yet to leave my apartment.

"Babe I want to leave... we are already behind schedule!" I yelled to him looking down at the time on my phone.

"Okay, okay I'm ready." He said as I watched him rush down the stairs, duffel bag in hand.

"Finally..." I said reaching for my boyfriends large soft hand.

I could see him smile as I closed the apartment door behind us, locking it before rushing down the set of stairs to get to the parking garage.

Moments later Ethan's white jeep was in view and we climbed in, setting our bags in the back seats.

I connected my phone to the car so I could play some music as Ethan pulled out of the parking garage and onto the busy roads.

"See Ethan I told you we needed to leave earlier so we could've beat traffic." I said smiling at him

"Yeah I know Em..." he said pausing trying to focus while he switched lanes

"I guess I didn't realize how much stuff I had forgot to pack last night."

"Okay, but how the hell do you forgot to pack underwear though!" I said laughing at him

"Fuck off chamberlain!" He said smirking at me

I loved it when he called me by my last name

"Fine... I guess no sex for you while we're there." I said half jokingly but being half serious

"Do you want me to turn this car around because I will. And then I can take you home and fuck you on your living room couch." He threatened.

"I actually wouldn't mind that baby." Winking at him I turned my attention down towards my phone switching to the playlist Ethan and I had worked hours on putting together.

Ethan just laughed his glorious, cute laugh and focused on the road.

~Hours Later~

I felt a slight shake to my shoulder causing me to slowly open my tired eyes and see the love of my life kneeling in front of me.

"Hey baby." Ethan said softly tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear

"We made it."

A tired smile crept onto my face as I just responded with a sleepy moan.

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